Is it cheaper to book online or through a travel agent?

Contrary to popular belief, booking through a travel agent won't necessarily cost you more than booking online. While some travel agents charge a nominal fee for planning your trip, many agencies don't charge anything extra, instead earning commission off the airline, hotel, or tour they book for you.

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Is booking through a travel agent more expensive?

The cost of using a travel agent is generally marginal, and often, they won't charge you at all. Much of their money comes from commissions the hotels and wholesalers pay them. Before you decide to book with a travel agent, inquire whether or not they charge fees.

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Is it better to book online or with a travel agent?

Travel Agents Could Save You Time Compared to Booking Online

Travel agencies take that responsibility from you, and in turn, save you a bunch of time. As long as you are booking with a reputable agent who is experienced in your destination, you can be sure that they are an expert.

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Is it worth using a travel agent to book a flight?

Travel Agents Save You Time

With years of experience and knowledge about destinations, transportation options and vendors, an agent can eliminate hours of online research time. “The options come to my mind quickly as we speak about their trip vision,” said Allison Walker, a AAA Travel Agent in San Clemente, California.

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What are the disadvantages of using a travel agent?

  • You're Not The One Planning Your Travel. While not planning your travel is a pro to some, for other travelers, it's a major con. ...
  • You Add Another Person To The Equation. ...
  • You Actually Have To Find The Agent. ...
  • They're Not Great For Spur-Of-The-Moment Changes.

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Pros and Cons of Using a Booking Site vs a Travel Agent | Tips for Booking Travel

45 related questions found

Why not to book with a travel agent?

More expensive - Travel agencies often charge large booking fees for their services. Lack of flexible payment options - Some types of travel agencies, such as business travel management companies, ask all their clients to sign a rigid one-year contract with complicated fine print.

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Is it less expensive to use a travel agent?

Seaton says booking through a travel agent typically won't cost you more. She says while some agents will charge you a nominal planning fee, many agencies like hers do not charge anything extra for their services. "We get paid a commission on the back end from the vendor, so that's how we make our income," she said.

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Is it smart to use a travel agent?

A good travel agent can be a game-changer when it comes to helping you book your ideal trip and receive the best services once you arrive at your destination. Travel agents can also be of great assistance when things go wrong, especially during this summer of excessive flight delays and cancellations.

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What are the benefits of booking a flight with a travel agent rather than online?

It is cost effective and time-saving

If you were thinking why use a travel agent instead of booking online, it's because booking with travel agents will be a lot cheaper than booking online. Travel agents can help you avail airline discounts, codes, and coupons which would ordinarily be inaccessible to you.

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What is the benefit of using a travel agent?

Getting creative with scheduling and transportation methods is one advantage of using a travel agent. Working alongside a professional ensures you're booking the transportation that fits your needs, whether it be the quickest way to your destination, the most affordable way to travel, or something else entirely.

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How much more do you pay when using a travel agent?

They don't usually cost extra.

Sure, some travel agents do charge a fee for putting together an itinerary, but most will credit you that fee if you end up booking the trip through them. Make sure you know all the potential fees before you use a travel agent, and do not hesitate to negotiate away.

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What's the best travel agency to use?

Top Online Travel Agencies
  1. is one of the largest and most popular travel websites in the world, with over 1.5 million nights booked every day. ...
  2. Expedia. ...
  3. Airbnb. ...
  4. Hostelworld. ...
  5. Agoda. ...
  6. Vrbo. ...
  7. Hotelbeds. ...

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What is the difference between travel agent and online travel agent?

Customization. Sure, you can get your flight, hotel and rental car through an OTA but that's really all they can provide. A traditional travel agent can do all of that plus customize your entire trip for you from start to finish.

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What percentage do travel agents charge?

The commission percentage agencies earn depends on numerous factors, the most important one being which private contracts you have access to. Here's a general rule of thumb on the airline ticket commission range you can expect as a travel advisor: Domestic: 0-5% International: 10-22%

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Do people still use travel agents?

"Yes—and now they're called travel advisors," Glusac said. "They could be more helpful than you may think." "Advisors not only expedite planning, but they can be your back-up should anything go wrong," said Glusac.

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What percentage of flights are booked online?

Current statistics indicate that over 90% of travelers will do their research online, and 82% will end up making their booking online as well.

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What are the benefits of booking directly from the airline?

What are the benefits of a direct booking? Travel companies may offer incentives for customers to buy directly from them, including lower prices, extra loyalty points, special offers and other perks.

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How do I trust a travel agent?

One of the best and most reliable ways to decide on a travel agent is their reputation. Word of mouth is still a good way to find out about a travel agent. Personal recommendations from friends and family are a good source. But you can also look at what other people think about them online.

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Why use an independent travel agent?

An independent travel agent works on your behalf. Unlike some holiday shops, they are not owned by big holiday companies so can sell the product that's right for you. Local experienced travel agents get to know their customers. They value repeat business so care more about your holiday.

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How does using a travel agent work?

The primary role of a travel agent is to help people make travel arrangements, which might include booking flights, hotels, sightseeing tours, and making dining recommendations. A travel agent assesses each customer's unique needs, preferences, and budget to ensure their trip goes as smoothly as possible.

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Can travel agents best online prices?

Because they can offer suppliers high volumes of business, online travel agents can often negotiate lower rates and pass some of those savings on to travellers. In addition, many airlines like to use an intermediary to provide another sales channel.

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Is travelling worth the cost?

Travel Isn't a Waste of Money

Travel is a great way to learn about the world, yourself, and others. It can also help you figure out who you're and what your life is about. It's a chance to see things through different eyes and learn something new about yourself every time you travel.

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What are the two main types of travel agent?

Travel agencies are basically categorized into two types-: Retail Travel Agency and Wholesale Travel Agency. A retail travel agency sells tourists products directly to the public on the behalf of the products suppliers and in return get commissions.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of OTA online travel agency )?

Advantages of Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)
  • Expand your reach.
  • Create marketing efficiencies.
  • Generate more low season bookings.
  • Gain invaluable insights.
  • Having to pay a commission.
  • Customer service issues and cancellation rules.
  • Risk of overbooking.
  • Potential loss of business.

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