“Give your skin 30 minutes rest between shaving and going swimming,” says Carnevale. “Freshly shaved skin is vulnerable to the stinging effects of chlorine and salt water, as well as suntan lotions and sunscreens that contain alcohol. Skin is at its most sensitive immediately after shaving.
By shaving the day before you plan on heading to the beach or your local pool, you'll decrease your risk of vaginal irritation or infected pores, Dr. Gupta said.
Olympic swimmers shave their whole bodies in order to reduce drag, increase their feel for the water. Shaving prepares athletes not only physically but mentally. The psychological readiness paired with shaving is one of the final steps to be prepared for elite level athletic performance.
"Hot water while showering and shaving can reduce the skin's moisture content, leading to dryness and irritation," says Gonzalez. "Shower with lukewarm water instead. You should avoid hot tubs and swimming pools after shaving, as chlorine can cause itchy, red skin."
“When you're growing you leg hair, it's creating more drag when you're in the water and you're not removing those dead skin cells constantly with the razor,” Roe said. “It just creates a less aerodynamic feel in the water. [Shaving] allows you to be able to feel the water a little bit better while you're at it.”
Laser hair removal, however, is great for long-term hair removal in all areas, making it an ideal hair removal option for professional swimmers in particular. What's more, laser hair removal causes virtually no damage to the dermis, so even the most sensitive skin can be treated.
In the end, it was concluded that shaving had little to no effect on any of these measured areas; however, it did reduce active drag on swimmers, making it easier for them to move through the water as they were able to maintain velocity for a longer time.
Newly shaved skin is sensitive, by shaving the night before or 12 hours before will avoid skin irritation and dryness caused by sun, salt or chlorine. If you are desperate and have to shave a short time before going swimming or to the beach, be sure to apply a good alcohol-free lotion, oil or shea butter after shaving.
Shower before you get in the pool
This is because wet hair is actually less absorbent than dry hair. The ultimate goal is to keep chlorinated water away from your hair shaft, so wetting your hair with fresh water beforehand will also slow down any chlorine trying to seep into it.
It can weaken your hair strands, resulting in split ends. If your skin is sensitive to chlorine, it can result in an itchy and irritated scalp.
“You definitely feel different when you do it. I think that's the key. You take off the top layer of your skin and your body is more sensitive to the feel of the water.” At the very least, shaving down provides a psychological edge: If you feel like you're faster, chances are you actually will swim faster.
Most if not all, elite competitive swimmers shave body hair, including pubic, leg, chest, arm pit, etc. Its kind of a joke in mens/boys locker rooms for the shaving parties and what sometimes goes on (that much handling of penises causes erections…). First it is for aerodynamics.
Shaving is the ritual swimmers perform before a big meet, removing all hair that cannot be covered by a swim cap or suit. (And, truth be told, a lot of the hidden hair will go as well.) The goal is to reduce drag (a small factor) and enhance the mental gain from a more streamlined sensation in the water (a big factor).
Swimmer's hair is hair that has become dry, damaged, and even discolored due to extended exposure to the ocean or the chemicals in most pools. While this condition can come about from extended time spent in the ocean, it is far more common to happen to those who spend large amounts of time in classic pools.
Just like your hair, your skin can end up dry and damaged with regular swimming. Chlorinated water removes your skin's natural oils and skin barrier, resulting in red, itchy, dry skin.
Male swimmers may be asked to shave their entire bodies including their arms, arm pits, even their heads. Male swimmers should not feel uncomfortable with this practice. The body hair grows back quickly and rare is the occasion that anyone away from swimming even notices.
Since the late 1950's competitive swimmers have prepared for major competition by removing the hair from their arms, legs, torso and sometimes also from their head on the day of competition.
“There's a myth that swimmers shave all the time,” Jones said. “No, they shave for big meets. A lot of times throughout the year, most swimmers want to have as much drag as possible, to kind of feel like they're training harder.”
Choosing whether or not to shave your body hair is a very personal decision, and there may be pros and cons to each choice. There are some benefits to not shaving like better sex, a reduced chance for skin infections, and a more regulated body temperature.
Although you might be tempted to wash your hair every day, swimmers should aim to only wash their hair a couple of times a week. Washing your hair two to three times a week with a good quality shampoo and conditioner will help get rid of chemical buildup and keep your hair looking shiny and healthy.
As it turns out, not only is waxing or shaving before a swim meet is a ritual in the sport as well as a group bonding experience, there are also many reasons why aquatic athletes opt to rid their body of excess hair.
Pro athletes need every conceivable advantage to succeed. Runners and cyclists typically shave because tight shorts plus body hair can mean painful tugs at the worst moments. Rock climbers and contact sport athletes also benefit from body hair removal, which can snag while active and tear the skin.