If you “ad lib” your questions so that they are phrased differently for different interviewees, you will be comparing “apples and oranges” when you compare the responses you've obtained. Keep interviews and surveys short, or you could alienate your audience long before your speech is even outlined.
What is an example of audience analysis? A clothing company might think the world is its target audience, but it could develop several specific audiences, such as skaters and hikers. The process of identifying the characteristics of these target audiences is audience analysis.
Knowing audience members' attitudes about a topic will help a speaker determine the best way to reach their goals. Imagine that a presenter is trying to convince the community to build a park. A speaker would probably be inclined to spend the majority of the speech giving reasons why a park would benefit the community.
A job interview isn't all that different from a public speech, except that in interviews you get to sit down, listen more than speak, and be the world's expert on the topic (hint: it's you). But one thing is true for both interviewing and speech-making: How you say something is just as important as what you say.
People who seem confident tend to take their time when responding to questions. Try to speak slowly, if possible, and address each interview question one point at a time. If you feel like you need a moment to compose your thoughts, feel free to say, “That is a good question.
Audience analysis includes consideration of demographic informationInformation about the audience's gender, age range, marital status, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other variables that can influence their frame of reference., such as the gender, age range, marital status, race, and ethnicity of the people in ...
In addition, this chapter explores the five categories of audience analysis: (1) the situational analysis, (2) the demographic analysis, (3) the psychological analysis, (4) the multicultural analysis, and (5) the topic interest and prior knowledge analysis.
Consider using focus groups, interviews, and surveys to find your ideal customer. If you're already selling products, use transactional records and social media analytics platforms like Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics to discover what type of people are buying your products and how often they're doing so.
The demographic factors of an audience include age, gender, religion, ethnic background, class, sexual orientation, occupation, education, group membership, and countless other categories. Since these categories often organize individual's identities and experiences, a wise speaker attends to the them.
State a fact that is troubling, amusing, or remarkable. Spell out what's at stake for your listeners. Offer a humorous observation or anecdote. Explain your own interest in the topic.
There are two types of audience analysis: formal and informal. Formal audience analysis, such as the study of demographics, yields quantitative data, while informal audience analysis, such as the observation of an audience's nonverbal cues, yields qualitative data.
By segmenting and profiling customers into groups with similar behaviours, marketing activities can then be tailored to reach the audience most likely to deliver the greatest return on investment. Audience profiling involves four main principles; segmentation, messaging, engagement and measurement.
Avoid hateful words; refrain from language that disparages or belittles people. Be sensitive to the audience; know how audience members prefer to be identified (e.g., Native American instead of Indian, women instead of girls, African American instead of black, disabled instead of crippled) (Samovar & McDaniel, 2007).
Key Takeaway
To better understand your audience, learn about their demographic traits, such as age, gender, and employment status, as these help determine their interests, needs, and goals.
On this page, we'll look at four questions you can ask yourself to guide your analysis of the audience: Why are they here? What do they know already? Where do they stand? Where are they coming from?
The more you know and understand about the background and needs of your audience, the better you can prepare your speech. Knowing your audience —their general age, gender, education level, religion, language, culture, and group membership—is the single most important aspect of developing your speech.
Finish with a polite conclusion
Here are some common conclusions: "I am grateful for interviewing with you today. You have given me a clear overview of the position. I think my experience and accomplishments can provide value to the organization.
Talk about how you completed the goal to a high standard, or how you exceeded the expectations of your peers and seniors. For example; don't just say that you 'work well with others'. Instead, talk about who you successfully worked with on your last collaborative job and how you completed it successfully.