Historically, Asperger syndrome was used as a diagnostic term for some autistic people who did not also have a diagnosis of a learning disability. Broadly, it is now agreed that what was referred to as Asperger syndrome is part of the autism spectrum and there is no need for a separate term.
It is no longer an official diagnosis in under the DSM-V and ICD-11, and is considered offensive by some autistic individuals. It was named after Hans Asperger (1906–80), who was an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician.
Asperger syndrome is not a curable condition. However, being one of the milder forms in the Autism Spectrum Disorders, with little language development difficulties and normal or high IQ, this disorder allows a child to live a normal or near normal life.
The name for Asperger's Syndrome has officially changed, but many still use the term Asperger's Syndrome when talking about their condition. The symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome are now included in a condition called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is now the name used for a wide range of autism-like disorders.
Those with Asperger's syndrome, in contrast, must by definition have suffered no cognitive delay during their first 3 years of life. This means that they will usually have at least a “normal” IQ. In some cases, their IQ may be very high, even in the genius range.
Despite the problems in relationship skills experienced by many people with Asperger's syndrome, some adults can progress along the relationship continuum and are able to experience romantic and subsequently intimate personal relationships, even becoming a lifelong partner.
Approaching your spouse with the idea that he may have Aspergers (high-functioning autism) can result in two completely different responses. Either he is concerned and interested in pursuing an answer to some obvious issues, or he is in complete denial. He may even decide that the problem stems from you.
The reason behind the reclassification of Asperger's syndrome was its similarity to autism, and the fact that it was distinguished from the latter based simply on a lack of language and cognitive delay — which, interestingly, isn't something every individual on the spectrum experiences.
If you're talking about people with autism in general, it's probably okay to use either or both. Though everyone has strong preferences, neither is technically wrong. “On the spectrum/autism spectrum” is also acceptable.
Individuals with Asperger's usually want to fit in and have interaction with others, but often they don't know how to do it. Individuals with Asperger's may be socially awkward, not understand conventional social rules or show a lack of empathy.
While many have used and continue to use the term "person with autism" because they find it more polite or respectful, it is widely accepted that people who have received an autism diagnosis prefer to be referred to as an "autistic person."
Starting in the 1990s, milder forms were recognized, including Asperger's syndrome (now called high-functioning autism). Then in 2013, the American Psychiatric Association grouped all autism-related disorders together as ASD. Still, you may hear some people who aren't doctors continue to use terms like Asperger's.
Aspies tend to express love through practical actions, whereas NTs are more likely to express love through words or symbolic actions.
I agree that living with an Asperger's person is not easy, but the marriage can be manageable and happy if the two talk about the challenges and work through them. It is only natural for a person with any difficulty to choose someone who complements them to be their partner.
People with Asperger's also have strengths that make them wonderful partners. They tend to be honest, loyal, humorous, and champions of the underdog. Autistic people don't often get caught up in social constructs, so they can see right to the heart of what matters.
The partner with Asperger's syndrome may also not know what to do, or may choose to do nothing, because of a fear of doing something that could make the situation worse. Partners have reported problems with sexual knowledge and intimacy.
The Asperger's mind enjoys and focuses on details, while the normal mind is more skilled at assembling whole concepts from details. Some people with Asperger's are visual thinkers and others are math, music, or number thinkers, but all think in specifics.
When it comes to Asperger's vs. autism, Asperger's generally features less severe symptoms and more higher functioning. Despite no longer being a separate diagnosis, Asperger's remains an accurate description of the symptoms and characteristics of some people on the Autism Spectrum.