A good rule of thumb: If your curls feel dry, try washing less frequently. Washing your curls everyday can remove the natural oils of your curls and makes it difficult to retain moisture. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't wet your hair. "Rinse and condition more often; shampoo less," Hallman advises.
Yes, you can wet natural hair everyday, and it is actually advised to do so to maintain moisture. Let's be clear though: by wetting your hair, we don't meanwashing it. We simply mean rinsing natural hair either in the shower or spritzing water over your hair.
This completely depends on your unique curls and how you prefer to wear your hair. If you want more volume you are likely to prefer damp styling, but if you are looking for less frizz and more definition then wet styling will be for you. At Only Curls, we like a combination of both.
Yes, there is no harm in washing hair daily with plain treated water but prefer cold water.
It causes more split ends
Well, because wet hair is more prone to damage and breakage, so the more you wash them, the more chances your hair has to break or damage.
For certain hair types, washing your hair every other day is necessary to keep it from getting too oily. For others, excessive shampooing can strip curls of their natural moisture, which can cause frizz and dehydration. Resist the urge to reset your curls every day by refreshing them instead.
Your curls pop once they have a chance to form and set. Air drying your curls can leave them vulnerable to frizz, because they are constantly moving as you go about your day.
Air-drying cuts down on potential heat damage and saves you time on blow drying or diffusing your hair. Air-drying your waves or curls can also create more definition as you're not touching your hair as often as you would be if you were using a blow dryer.
“Some people like to dry their curls fully, others prefer to diffuse to 50-80% dry and then leave the rest to air-dry,” says Michele. “Diffusers will give volume and can also create curl shrinkage, if you want more volume control and elongated curls air-drying or using a hooded dryer are best.
Generally 1-3 times/week is the sweet spot. If you have curly hair, however, it is extra important to wash with a gentle, hydrating shampoo, and always condition to get the cuticle closed and keep the scalp healthy.
This water absorption causes hair strands to elongate under the weight of the water and lose some of its tensile strength. Very curly hair has been found to lose almost 50% of its tensile strength when wet, which is really a quite significant reduction. Water contains things that can GREATLY damage hair.
“When the hair is wet, the strands are swollen and give the false impression of being thicker, but the opposite is true,” says the expert. “In this state, they are even more fragile and break easily, even if combed carefully.”
Microfiber Towel for Curly Hair
After rinsing out your conditioner, apply your curl styling products. Then flip your head to the side, scrunching with a microfiber towel to remove excess water until most of the moisture is gone.
The best way to dry your hair is to let it air dry under the fan as much as possible. However, some experts believe combining air and blow-drying is healthier than just air drying. It is good to let your hair air-dry seventy percent of the way and then blow-dry till they become dry ultimately.
One of the main causes of frizzy curly hair is lack of moisture. When curly hair lacks moisture it will reach out into the atmosphere to find it instead. Author of Curly Girl: The Handbook, Lorraine Massey, famously says that “frizz is just a curl waiting to happen”, and that all it needs is moisture.
Wet-cutting gives a consistent end to the curls, not shattered like dry-cutting can give. This results in a more consistent shape and less frizz. Wet-cutting gives your curls the ability to not always fall the exact same way and still look good.
Because it's harder for the scalp's natural oils to coat strands from root to ends, curly hair is more prone to dryness and frizz than any other hair type. Excess heat-styling is also a common culprit.
You might think, “My hair is naturally curly but won't curl anymore.” Age or genetics are the most common reasons for losing your natural curl pattern. As we age, our hair tends to lose its elasticity and become more brittle. It can cause the hair shafts to break, making them thinner and weaker over time.
How Much Should You Wash? For the average person, every other day, or every 2 to 3 days, without washing is generally fine. “There is no blanket recommendation. If hair is visibly oily, scalp is itching, or there's flaking due to dirt,” those are signs it's time to shampoo, Goh says.