There's so much more to life in the Army, with stimulating work opportunities, plenty of travel, amazing mateship, and extensive sport and leisure facilities. In the Army you'll earn a good salary from day one, plus a comprehensive package that includes generous superannuation and a variety of allowances.
The defence force offers a clear path, guaranteed salary and superannuation, and the chance to progress in your career and education. You can gain tertiary qualifications while serving and work at the cutting edge of technology, with the latest equipment and tools.
Is It Hard To Join The Australian Army? The difficulty or ease of joining the Australian Army depends on your circumstances, the role you are applying for, and your current physical fitness. All of these can impact your chances of selection in the Army.
16.4% superannuation. Free medical and dental. Paid training. Assistance in renting and purchasing a home.
A Competitive Salary
During basic military training: $49,302 p.a. Recruit during initial employment training: $54,242 - $59,546 p.a. Officer Training (non-degree qualified) : $41,732 - $47,296 p.a. Officer Training (degree qualified): $47,296.
Is Australian Defence Force pay tax-free? The general answer is “no”. Most ADF members are required by law to pay income tax based on salary, wages, and allowances earned for the income year. Income tax exemption may apply to ADF members deployed overseas on eligible duty in a specified area.
E-1: $1,785 per month
This is the lowest enlisted rank and includes airman basic (Air Force), private (Army and Marine Corps), seaman recruit (Coast Guard and Navy), fireman recruit, airman recruit or hospitalman recruit (Navy) and specialist 1 (Space Force).
Service residences. Service residences are subsidised homes for members and their families. Defence Housing Australia (DHA) offers Service residences on or near ADF bases around the country.
Riflemen are provided with high standard, subsidised accommodation throughout their time in the Army. Regular Riflemen that are single live within the Battalion Barracks they are assigned to and those that are married are provided with local subsidised housing having completed their basic training.
In specific circumstances, you can apply to leave the Permanent Forces without performing Reserve service. Many of the benefits you're eligible for are the same as if you transfer to the Reserves. If you're discharged from the Permanent Forces for disciplinary reasons, you won't get any benefits.
Full-time Soldiers receive 30 paid days off, weekends, 11 national paid holidays off, and sick days annually.
The hardest military branch to get into in terms of education requirements is the Air Force. The military branch with the toughest basic training is the Marine Corps. The hardest military branch for non-males because of exclusivity and male dominance is the Marine Corps. What is the smallest military branch?
Assault rifles and carbines
The Enhanced F88 (EF88) Austeyr is the ADF's standard individual weapon.
The majority of questions are very common and easy to find the answers to. Almost all of the information you need to pass the Assessment day is provided on either the Defence Jobs Website or the Website for your chosen service (Army, Air force, Navy).
You will be disqualified from the military if you have needed anxiety treatment for longer than 12 months total and/or have needed anxiety treatment at any time in the past 36 months.
Generally, every service member will be afforded housing while living on a military installation. While living on base, housing is determined by rank, location and family situation, with new recruits typically starting their military career in a shared bedroom and bathroom facility called barracks.
These requirements may also impact the scheduling of annual leave. Annual Leave: Active duty Soldiers earn 2.5 days of annual (chargeable) leave for each month of service, for a total of 30 days per year. Currently, Soldiers can bank up to 60 days of leave at the end of the fiscal year.
Barracks. Barracks are living spaces in a building that generally house junior, non-married enlisted Soldiers. This is where you'll live after completing Basic Training.
supporting international security and counter-terrorism initiatives, protecting our borders from illegal activity and incursions, supporting humanitarian and peacekeeping operations, and. helping communities affected by natural disasters.
ADF exemption- YES.
No stamp duty for all homes up to $650,000. Stamp duty reductions on homes up to $800,000. No insurance duty on lender's mortgage insurance.
Learn more about living in the barracks. Privatized military housing allows military members and their families to live in a home built and maintained by a private-sector company. You can live in this housing and use your basic allowance for housing to pay for your rent.
All full time soldiers in the Army must first complete Soldier Training at the 1st Recruit Training Battalion Kapooka, near Wagga Wagga. The duration of the Basic Training course is 80 days. The one page outline of the Australian Recruit Course is downloadable (PDF, 160KB).