Moon Breathing is the demonic form of the primal Sun Breathing in Demon Slayer anime and manga. Developed by Kokushibo, aka Michikatsu Tsugikuni, this is the second most powerful breathing technique in the series that no human can use. Moreover, it also has more forms than any other type of breathing.
Apart from all the Five Main Breathing Techniques, Moon Breathing is also branched out of Sun Breathing. Kokushibo, Upper-Rank One, is the only Known user of this technique. Despite being inferior to Sun Breathing, it is stronger than other Breathing Techniques.
Moon Breathing is also a Breathing Style that took some parts of Sun Breathing and developed into, and yes, it is stronger than the other Breathing Styles of the demon slayers but it's nowhere near Sun Breathing.
Hinokami Kagura, also known as Sun Breathing, is easily one of the strongest Breathing Styles in the series by a wide margin. It's the Breathing Style that served as the base for every other style in the series, which is no mean feat.
Moon Breathing is the demonic form of the primal Sun Breathing in Demon Slayer anime and manga. Developed by Kokushibo, aka Michikatsu Tsugikuni, this is the second most powerful breathing technique in the series that no human can use.
Some of the characters who have faced Yoriichi and survived
This happened due to a treatment that had gone wrong. While he was being treated, Muzan killed the doctor because he was not able to observe any results.
Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy ( 伍 ご ノ 型 かた 月 げっ 魄 ぱく 災 さい 渦 か , Go no kata: Geppaku Saika?) - Kokushibo creates multiple long and curved slashes layered over one another, essentially creating a vortex of crescent moon blades.
Moon Breathing can only be obtained from beating Tsugikuni Kokushibou. You also need to be level 150+ and hybrid to get it. It functions as a secondary breathing. It has a chance of 50%.
4 Sun Breathing Is The Strongest Breathing Style
It is so strong that the injuries inflicted on Muzan by its initial user remained present hundreds of years later. In the final battle against Muzan, Tanjiro once again proved its efficiency, arguably dealing the most significant bits of damage to the demon king.
Yoriichi created the Sun Breathing Style, widely regarded as the first of its kind. Every other Breathing Style in the series is derived from Sun Breathing and branched out into the various techniques that fans recognize today.
The fight with Kokushibo, the highest-ranking demon among Muzan's servants, is over. Although Himejima and Sanemi defeated Kokushibo and sent him to hell, the price the Demon Slayer Corps has paid is very high.
Though Tanjiro succeeds in making use of Water Breathing throughout the early parts of his adventure, he eventually discovers that he's better suited for Sun Breathing instead.
The only known Demon Slayer who is capable enough to have two Breathing Styles at his disposal is Tanjiro Kamado. He initially started without any knowledge of Breathing Style and had no prior training in swordsmanship.
Sixth Form: Solar Heat Haze
This is easily one of the most clever Sun Breathing techniques around. It involves a sword slash covered in a haze that seems easy to avoid. However, that's where the Solar Heat Haze proves to be quite damaging.
The fifth form accomplished exactly that. Called the Blessed Rain After the Drought, it's an attack meant to decapitate enemies without causing any pain, which allows enemies who have surrendered to die a graceful death without feeling any unnecessary pain.
Many Kimetsu no Yaiba fans deduce that Yoriichi is Tanjiro's father, but that isn't the case. However, Yoriichi is responsible for teaching Tanjiro's ancestors the Hinokami Kagura, which has been passed down for generations.
Yoriichi would be able to defeat every single Hashira on this list without breaking a sweat. Such was his reputation and skill in swordsmanship.
Demon Slayer's season 3's latest episode has left fans on edge with Tanjiro's discovery of Yoriichi Tsugikuni's Type Zero sword.
1 Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Yoriichi was the very first user of the Breathing Styles and he came up with Sun Breathing, a powerful breathing form that is known to be the most effective against demons.
Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the first demon slayer, is the founder and also the first user of Sun Breathing.
While Yoriichi invented Sun Breathing, and his students derived five styles from it, his twin brother also modified it into another technique: Moon Breathing.