Studies have shown that antioxidants like the peptides found in sourdough can lower the risk for certain types of cancer, signs of aging, or chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
So, switch from white bread to whole wheat, and from regular pasta to whole grain, Sandon says. Caution: When buying whole wheat bread, don't be misled by the label. It should read 100 percent whole wheat or have the Whole Grain Stamp from the Oldways Whole Grain Council.
Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet. The best sourdough and rye bread varieties to reduce gut inflammation are those made from whole grains.
Look for breads with at least 3 grams of fiber or more per slice or pasta serving. Beat boredom. Look for other ways to get whole grains besides the traditional sliced bread that may also be lower in calories. Try whole-grain English muffins, mini-bagels and sandwich thins.
LAB (including those commonly found in sourdough bread) produce beneficial compounds: antioxidants (7), the cancer-preventive peptide lunasin (8), and anti-allergenic substances, some of which may help in the treatment of auto-immune diseases (9).
Note: Sourdough is not suitable for people with coeliac disease, who should follow a strictly gluten-free diet. If you have coeliac disease but still want to enjoy the benefits of sourdough, always look for gluten-free options.
Sourdough is one such bread which is recommended due to its anti-inflammatory grains. The bread is created through fermentation making its vitamins easier to digest. Sourdough is also low-glycaemic meaning it won't spike a person's blood sugars and also contains prebiotics which form during the fermenting process.
Foods such as white bread, pasta, and pastries are made with refined flour, which has been stripped of its fiber and nutrients. Refined flour is metabolized much more quickly than unrefined carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar spikes that lead to inflammation [2].
Pasta – Substitute whole-grain pasta for regular pasta. Look for ingredients such as legume flour and whole-wheat flour. Cereals – Choose cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber or more per serving. Look for ingredients such as whole-wheat flour and corn.
Sourdough contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, making it super beneficial to your day-to-day health. Sourdough bread has small to moderate amounts of: iron, manganese, calcium, B1-B6, B12, folate, zinc, potassium, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, selenium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin E.
Whether you buy sourdough from the store or make your own, it has a pretty impressive nutrition profile. Most sourdough isn't made with whole-grain flour, but if you make it at home you can use whole-wheat flour for your bread.
The bottom line
Sourdough is a healthier alternative to regular white or whole wheat bread. Although it has comparable nutrients, the lower phytate levels mean it is more digestible and nutritious. The prebiotics also help to keep your gut bacteria happy, and it may be less likely to spike blood sugar levels.
7. Peanut Butter - Vitamin B3, found in peanut butter, is a supplement that may help people with osteoarthritis by improving flexibility and reducing inflammation. 8.
If you ask dietitians and nutritionists about the perfect brekkie choice, they agree it's simple: oatmeal, chia seeds, walnuts, and berries. "These foods powerfully counteract inflammation and have been shown to help slow the progress of arthritis specifically," says Poon.
Sourdough contains less gluten than non-fermented bread, and therefore triggers less inflammation, bloating, pain, or other common side effects to gluten-sensitive individuals. Increased amino acid concentrations in sourdough contribute to healthy muscles, and help reduce the risk of stroke, cancer, and heart disease.
Sourdough bread contains lactic acid, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Adding sourdough bread to your diet can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health.
Rye Bread
Rye seeds, also called rye berries, are grains high in fiber and beneficial compounds that have the ability to help fight against inflammatory markers, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight gain and high blood pressure.
1. Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids , which are abundant in fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, are among the most potent anti-inflammatory supplements. These supplements may help fight several types of inflammation, including vascular inflammation.
So whole wheat bread trumps sourdough when it comes to the fiber content. We need about 25 grams per day of fiber in our diets, and most of us don't get enough of it. Eating whole grain in general is a better option to help increase our intake of fiber.
Sourdough bread's benefits range from reducing the risk of heart disorders to promoting nutrient absorption. It has a low glycemic index and is a good bread option for those watching their after-meal blood sugar spikes. However, overindulging in it may lead to gas and bloating due to its fermented nature.
The high protein content of sourdough not only helps keep you feeling full for a longer period of time, eating plenty of protein is also key to building and maintaining muscle mass. For an even greater protein bump, try making whole wheat sourdough bread.