However, the truth is not always the answer for those with dementia. Lying to dementia patients can be the right way to care for them because: They don't remember the truth and repeatedly telling them or insisting on facts will only cause them distress and pain, especially when it comes to something emotional.
Don't delay or put off sharing the news. Try and do it as soon as possible, especially if the person's absence is causing concern or agitation.
They may be aware of their symptoms in the early stages of dementia. However, a person may lose this awareness by the late stages of dementia. The term dementia refers to a range of conditions that involve a deterioration in someone's ability to process thoughts.
Introduction: The five-word test (5WT) is a serial verbal memory test with semantic cuing. It is proposed to rapidly evaluate memory of aging people and has previously shown its sensitivity and its specificity in identifying patients with AD.
Don't correct, contradict, blame or insist. Reminders are rarely kind. They tell a person how disabled they are – over and over again. People living with dementia say and do normal things for someone with memory impairment.
Most experts say that if the affected person asks you what's wrong with them, you should be honest. Knowing that the problem is a disease, not "insanity," is often a relief for the person affected. Telling someone who has not asked may be helpful, particularly if the person appears troubled about his or her condition.
In the earlier stages, memory loss and confusion may be mild. The person with dementia may be aware of — and frustrated by — the changes taking place, such as difficulty recalling recent events, making decisions or processing what was said by others. In the later stages, memory loss becomes far more severe.
Most people with dementia do not lie intentionally, but are symptomatic of the disease. These signs and symptoms can develop at any stage of dementia, but they are most common in the mid-to-late stages of people living with dementia. The instances of lying will only increase as memory problems progress.
Stage 6: Severe Mental Decline/Moderately Severe Dementia Quality of life: Severe impact. Your loved one will not remember much or any of the past and may not recognize you and other family and friends.
People with dementia may say or ask things repeatedly. They may also become very clinging and shadow the person caring for them, even following them to the toilet. These behaviours can be very upsetting and irritating for families and carers.
Don't Ignore Them
If you're not sure how to interact with someone with obvious signs of dementia, it's OK to feel awkward. What doesn't help is shutting down and not making an effort to interact. The same applies if you suddenly start cutting back on visits because you're feeling uncomfortable.
Use their name when speaking to and about them, include them in conversations, don't talk over their heads, and respect their privacy. Don't talk like they aren't in the room, scold or criticize, invade their privacy, or brush their feelings aside.
Often when a person with dementia asks to go home it refers to the sense of 'home' rather than home itself. 'Home' may represent memories of a time or place that was comfortable and secure and where they felt relaxed and happier. It could also be an indefinable place that may not physically exist.
In most cases, you should tell your loved one they have dementia as it's in their best interest to know what's going on with their health. Chances are, they'll already realize something's wrong.
Changes in environment, such as travel, hospitalization or the presence of houseguests. Changes in caregiver arrangements. Misperceived threats. Fear and fatigue resulting from trying to make sense out of a confusing world.
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question. Every person with dementia experiences different symptoms and has different circumstances. The right time for someone with dementia to stop living alone is when they can no longer receive the level of care they require to live safely and comfortably alone.
For people with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, watching TV can help keep their brain active, which can stimulate positive memories, improve mood, and even increase socialization. However, the choice of program can be dependent upon the stage of dementia.
The Mini-Cog test.
A third test, known as the Mini-Cog, takes 2 to 4 minutes to administer and involves asking patients to recall three words after drawing a picture of a clock. If a patient shows no difficulties recalling the words, it is inferred that he or she does not have dementia.
People with dementia often rely on their routines as a source of comfort. A daily routine helps a person know what to expect. This means that a sudden disruption in routine may cause dementia symptoms to get worse. This is especially true if a person experiences stress.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease causes a type of dementia that gets worse unusually fast. More common causes of dementia, such as Alzheimer's, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, typically progress more slowly. Through a process scientists don't yet understand, misfolded prion protein destroys brain cells.
The SAGE test is a 12-question exam that measures cognitive functioning and may help a physician determine whether Alzheimer's is present.