Visitors are an important part of the recovery process and are welcome in hospitals. Visitors can help people recover faster, and also help reduce their anxiety and stress. However, it is up to the person in hospital to decide if they want visitors, and visitors must also respect hospital policies and visiting hours.
It's best to have someone with you for at least the first 24 hours after general anesthesia. You may continue to be sleepy, and your judgment and reflexes may take time to return to normal. If you are taking opioids for pain, you won't be able to drive until you stop taking them.
In the Recovery Room
After your surgery, the hospital staff will move you to a recovery room where they will care for you while you recuperate. The hospital does not allow families to visit while in the recovery room.
Your doctor will ask you to have a friend or family member drive you home and stay with you until the next day. They want to make sure you're safe while the meds you took to prevent pain during the operation wear off. "Anesthesia lasts about 24 hours," Kothari says.
The highest incidence of postoperative complications is between one and three days after the operation. However, specific complications occur in the following distinct temporal patterns: early postoperative, several days after the operation, throughout the postoperative period and in the late postoperative period.
Every patient's length of stay in the PACU is different, but on average it is usually one to three hours. This depends on factors such as type of surgery, the patient's response to surgery and anesthesia, and medical history. Most patients remember very little regarding their recovery room experience.
During general anesthesia, eyes need protection either by tape or ointment to avoid corneal injuries. [4] Several approaches have been used to ensure that the eyelids remain closed, such as passive closure, hypoallergenic tape, eye patches, saline-soaked pads, and suturing.
You should feel pretty good the morning following your surgery. Most women, though not “back to normal” report some fatigue but generally are not experiencing any significant pain or soreness. Your bleeding should be improved compared to the previous day.
Swelling and Bruising.
Tissue injury, whether accidental or intentional (e.g. surgery), is followed by localized swelling. After surgery, swelling increases progressively, reaching its peak by the third day. It is generally worse when you first arise in the morning and decreases throughout the day.
Continuing healthy eating habits and resuming physical activity as directed by your doctor will give your body the best chance at healing well. Also, continue to limit your contact with large groups of people, those who are sick, or those who have a high risk for becoming sick.
It is quite common to feel fatigued after surgery, regardless of whether it was a minor or major procedure. This is because your body expends a lot of energy afterward trying to heal. There is an immune response that kicks in, which can be physically draining as well.
It's very important to start walking as soon as it's safe after your surgery. The sooner you start walking, the faster you will recover and go back to doing your normal activities. Walking after surgery: Lowers your risk of problems as you heal from surgery.
Anesthetic drugs can stay in your system for up to 24 hours. If you've had sedation or regional or general anesthesia, you shouldn't return to work or drive until the drugs have left your body. After local anesthesia, you should be able to resume normal activities, as long as your healthcare provider says it's OK.
Be natural and warm. Don't let the seriousness of the surgery push you too far past your comfort zone, causing you to say something you both might find uncomfortable. Stick to small talk and simple, yet caring, questions such as “How are you feeling?” or “Is there anything specific you need today?”
Rest—give your body time to heal.
After surgery, you may need to recover for two to three weeks or longer, depending on the procedure.