Following Fring's death, Skyler becomes terrified of Walt, as well as the prospect of going to prison as his accomplice. She breaks down in front of Marie at the car wash and falls into a deep state of depression.
In Breaking Bad season 5, Skyler fell into a deep depression when she realized how fearful she was of her husband. Her terror stemmed from the death of Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) at the hands of Walt, which proved the great lengths Walt went with his growing drug empire.
She even organized for family intervention, with Hank and Marie present. And when she had separated ftom Walt, she made sure to check up on him at his new apartment. All their troubles aside, Skyler truly loved Walt.
Eventually, Skyler does learn that Walt is a drug dealer and her relationship with Walt begins to crumble as she finds out more about him.
Gus would have killed Walt, his family and even Jesse after he got another lab guy to learn the recipe. Gus was ruthless and would never leave any loose ends or liabilities for long. Walt knew this. Maybe a case of takes one to know one.
Walter became dangerous once he developed his alter ego, Heisenberg. Certainly Gus underestimated him as a threat. But Walter spent most of his life as benign—he needed to develop cancer to feel his anger at lost opportunities. Walt was dangerous as Heisenberg when he felt thwarted and desperate.
Walter White was a greater genius, in terms of intellect, but Fring was a far more effective drug lord. Fring set up a world-class chain of distribution, married to a German conglomerate, played the Cartel, then buried its kings, built the super lab and had the business savvy to run this thing in perpetuity.
When her life fell apart and Walt disappeared, Skyler lost her assets and moved in with her kids in a small apartment with a job as a taxi dispatcher. It was revealed that her sister, Marie, reached out for a truce, so it's likely that the two reconnected shortly after the series finale.
Breaking Bad. In their first appearence, the Cousins plan on assassinating renowed meth cook Walter White - also known as Heisenberg - as retribution for betraying Tuco and causing his death.
In the final scene, Hank figures out that Walt is Heisenberg while perusing Walt's copy of “Leaves of Grass” on the toilet. The book is inscribed: “To my other favorite W.W. It's an honor working with you.
In Breaking Bad, does Hank feel respect/sympathy/forgiveness for Walter just before he dies? Yes. Forgiveness may be a stretch, but certainly some degree of understanding. It's my favorite scene in the series.
Although it took some viewers (including this one) a while to catch on, most everyone agrees that Walt's call to Skyler was intended for the police he knew would be listening, that in casting her as a terrified woman under the thumb of a homicidally violent drug kingpin, he was trying to exonerate her, to absorb her ...
Yes, he knew that the police were listening in. You're right about that, Spencer. It's how he hopes to absolve her from his crimes. If the police think that Walt coerced Skyler into helping build his meth empire, maybe she'll escape punishment.
Skyler was quickly characterized as an antithesis to the supportive housewife archetype, placing herself in an adversarial role even before the start of any real conflict. Her strong personality and clearly illustrated desires clashed with Walt's meek and listless demeanor in earlier seasons.
Skyler's blue represents loyalty and peace, while Schrader's red represents violence and anger. Partners who are loyal to Walter White receive money (represented by green, a mixture of blue and yellow), while those who oppose him are met with violence (represented by orange, a mixture of red and yellow).
Dirty Water: Guilt and Contamination
And in Breaking Bad, the Whites' swimming pool is a mirror reflecting Walter's emotions at any given point. Most saliently, Walter's relationship with his pool visualizes his obsession with contamination which is a stand-in for his guilt over what he's done.
Gus Fring tipped Hank off. Even though he did send the brothers to attack Hank in the first place, he warned Hank so that he would be aware of what's going on and proceed to kill them, thus wrapping up a loose end.
Gus (or one of his men) called Hank in order to give him a chance to defend himself. This was Gus' way of almost sticking it to the cartel without being too obvious.
However, it is this silence that stops the characters from working as compelling antagonists. Leonel and Marco are introduced after the death of their cousin, Tuco Salamanca, at the hands of DEA Agent Hank Schrader.
He has cerebral palsy, as manifested in speech difficulties and impaired motor control, for which he uses crutches.
upon receiving the $9.7 million in cash. Gifts are never subject to income tax to the recipient under Section 102, and from a gift tax perspective, it is generally the donor who bears the tax consequences. Elliot and Gretchen, upon establishing the trust for Walter Jr., would be required to pay any gift tax.
He ended up leaving them 9+ Million, I think he was happy with that. Maybe towards the end he was doing it for himself, but at the beginning it was mostly for the money and possibly a little for the thrill.
He was wary of him, but he didn't fear him. A commonality between the people who Walt goes up against is that they all underestimate just how far Walt is willing to go in order to achieve his goals, and that underestimation ends up costing them big time. Gus was no different.
Although not as smart as her genius husband, Skyler is highly intelligent. She manages to figure out her husband's double life with the little information she had in a matter of months.