Medusa and Poseidon engaged in a love affair and would have two children together, but not before
In the origin as a Greek myth, Medusa is yet another simple monster, and was not raped by Poseidon, but willingly had an affair, and her becoming a gorgon was punishment for choosing to do this, defiling the Athenian temple by having sex in a blessed place, and defying her chastity vows.
Amphitrite, in Greek mythology, the goddess of the sea, wife of the god Poseidon, and one of the 50 (or 100) daughters (the Nereids) of Nereus and Doris (the daughter of Oceanus). Poseidon chose Amphitrite from among her sisters as the Nereids performed a dance on the isle of Naxos.
So, when Poseidon raped Medusa she became pregnant. When her head was chopped off by Perseus, her children came to be. Pegasus and Chrysaor sprung from the severed neck of Medusa. Pegasus is also one of the most famous characters in Greek mythology, the winged white horse.
Fact #1: Poseidon had Children with Medusa
Medusa was once a beautiful woman. Medusa was a maiden who served Athena in her temple. As Medusa was in Athena's temple, Poseidon raped her and impregnated her with two children.
Medusa and Poseidon engaged in a love affair and would have two children together, but not before Athena discovered the illicit affair.
Gorgon Medusa Was Raped by Poseidon
To her bad luck, she was beautiful enough to become Poseidon's object of desire. The god of the sea raped Medusa inside the temple of Athena, according to the Roman poet Ovid.
Since Medusa was the only one of the three Gorgons who was mortal, Perseus was able to slay her; he did so while looking at the reflection from the mirrored shield he received from Athena. During that time, Medusa was pregnant by Poseidon.
According to ancient Greek mythology, in Medusa's early days, she was so beautiful she caught the interest of Zeus, the most powerful of all the Greek gods. Zeus impregnated Medusa in a temple of Athena, a powerful Greek goddess.
“Instead of punishing Poseidon, Athena turns her rage against Medusa, on the one hand because she is not able to punish the powerful Poseidon, and on the other hand because she is envious of Medusa´s beauty.”
Some estimates put the count at well over a hundred, with the lovers being mostly but not exclusively female. In some cases, ancient authorities differ, so the exact lineage and relationships remain open to debate.
Poseidon's favorite demigod son, Percy Jackson, was noted to be nearly the spitting image of his father, with the same black hair, sea-green eyes, and brooding look.
From the blood that spurted from her neck sprang Chrysaor and Pegasus, her two sons by Poseidon.
Throughout history, Medusa got the bad reputation as a scornful, evil woman who turns people into stone with a mere glance. However, much like most women of ancient mythology, she was a victim of patriarchal societal norms.
In fact, Athena was jealous of Medusa's beauty and lustrous hair. Poseidon ravaged her and took what she held dearly, her purity. Athena, outraged by this incident, cursed Medusa and turned her wonderful hair into venomous snakes, her beautiful face turned so ugly that any man who gazed upon would turn to stone.
Zeus even managed to impregnate mortal women when he was a swan or a bull. Hercules was the illegitimate child of Zeus and a mortal woman, as were Perseus, Helen of Troy and Minos (among other very, very famous offspring of Zeus). Yep, the Greek God family tree is very, very tangled.
Leto is mostly famous because of her relationship with Zeus, which resulted in giving birth to two divine children, who would later be considered amongst the twelve Olympian gods, Artemis and Apollo. Everything started when Hera found out that Leto was pregnant by her husband, Zeus.
For Medusa was pregnant at the time of her death, and when Perseus severed her head, her two unborn children, Chrysaor and Pegasus, suddenly sprang from her neck.
He also happened to be an enemy of Athena. So, to spite his foe, he decided to rape her priestess right inside her temple – humiliating the priestess, and breaking the vow of celibacy she had taken in service to Athena. The Gods took their lovers as life partners, and that's how Medusa came to be Poseidon's wife.
One of the most popular monsters of Greek Mythology is Medusa. She was a beautiful maiden with golden hair. She vowed to be celibate her entire life as a priestess of Athena until she fell in love with Poseidon. She went against her vow and married him.
Medusa was a beautiful woman who was raped, killed and beheaded by various gods. However even in the face of tragedy and disgrace, the Medusa was portrayed as meaningful. Following the moment her head was removed, a Pegasus flew out of her body, representing the birth of beauty.
Medusa is portrayed in most tattoo art as a “symbol used to protect and defend against dangerous elements” and “to ward off evil with one evil image after another. But for others, her reptilian skin and hair may also symbolize the cycle of life.
Medusa was originally a very beautiful young girl, especially renowned for the beauty of her hair. Her tragedy began with her rape in the temple of Athena. Accounts of who raped her vary, some saying it was Zeus, others Poseidon, god of the seas and Zeus's brother.
Poseidon produces a spring of water but it was salty. Athena bested Poseidon by producing an olive tree on the Acropolis. Poseidon also raped Medusa—a mortal who had the reputation of being beautiful—in Athena's temple, desecrating it.