Apart from humans, gorillas don't really have enemies. The only predator to prey on gorillas is the leopard. Walter Baumgärtel found the remains of several gorillas after they had been killed by leopards in the Virunga Volcanoes.
Although a silverback gorilla is very fast, quite strong, and has a longer arm span, it is unlikely that a silverback could defeat the much larger and faster grizzly bear in a fair fight. The one advantage that a Silverback might have is the enormous strength of its muscles.
Although the gorilla is strong, the fact is that it could not stop 600 pounds of charging muscle and teeth. Gorillas lack the sensory capabilities to notice a stalking tiger before it launches its fatal attack. If the two creatures met on an open field, the tiger would still have the advantage in the fight.
Ultimately, we believe the odds are in the gorilla's favor. However, alone and at night the lion will have a strong advantage. If the lion can get in close enough and score an accurate bite, he could end the fight before it even begins. However, a gorilla is a mighty foe with more stamina and fearsome strength.
Predators. Leopards and crocodiles are large carnivores which may prey upon gorillas. Humans are the greatest threat to all gorilla populations.
An elephant would win in a fight against a gorilla. Gorillas are certainly powerful and smart animals, but they lack any definitive means of killing an elephant. Unless they happened upon an elephant lying down and managed to inflict severe bites to them, a gorilla simply would not stand a chance.
A research team from Osnabrück University and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, has, for the first time, observed lethal attacks by chimpanzees on gorillas in the wild.
An average gorilla is 4-6 times stronger than a chimpanzee however there have Fights between gorillas and chimpanzees are quite rare because a number of gorilla families have been recorded living harmoniously between one another but with a number factors, even though a chimpanzee is not as strong compared to a gorilla, ...
Their 1,300 PSI bite is practically 10 times stronger than a human's, and their 2-inch fangs can rip apart flesh and puncture skulls. Gorillas have fangs that are capable of ripping apart human flesh.
A crocodile would win a fight against a gorilla. Most of the fights would begin in or near water, and a gorilla doesn't stand a chance in that scenario. If a crocodile bit and dragged the gorilla into the water, then it's a simple victory.
If a fight occurred between a hippo and a gorilla it is obvious that a hippo severely outmatches even the largest of gorillas and strongest gorillas. In a fight, a hippo can easily kill a gorilla by either charging through them or using its large mouth to take them out.
In the battle of the grizzly bear vs tiger, a Siberian tiger would win a fight against a grizzly bear. The Siberian tiger is an ambush predator, and it's the only big cat that comes close to the grizzly bear in terms of size and power.
It is believed that a gorilla punch is strong enough to shatter your skull with one slam of its arm:/Between 1300 to 2700 pounds of force. Gorillas on (avg. 400 lbs) have a muscle mass density almost 4 times higher than the most heavily muscled powerful human you know.
Polar Bear (Strongest Land-Based Carnivore)
Due to the Polar bear's superior size and strength, it is the world's largest and most powerful land carnivore. The polar bear would almost certainly kill the gorilla if the two ever met.
The gorilla and grizzly have a relatively similar bite strength, but the bear's build makes it harder for a gorilla's bite to be equally as effective. The gorilla's biggest advantage is its spry movement, whereas the grizzly's primary advantage is its claws. The grizzly is larger, but the gorilla is stronger.
Gorillas are far better fighters and far more capable of inflicting fatal trauma on enemies. An orangutan might escape a gorilla by climbing trees, but that is not going to defeat the gorilla.
Answer and Explanation: While both are muscular apes, gorillas are stronger than orangutans. The secret to the orangutan's strength is in its long arms, which must support its own weight for hours at a time.
In conclusion it's very hard to estimates how many humans can beat a mountain gorilla because if a gorilla is concentrated on one it will not give up until the attention is diverted. For many humans to beat a mountain gorilla, that would need your strength combined into one person which is even impossible.
The finding is independent of body size and instead concerns the physical property of individual muscle fibers, O'Neill said. Both humans and chimps can gain strength through exercise and the creation of more muscle fibers. Rather, pound for pound, chimps have the advantage in a fight.
An unarmed human could not beat a chimpanzee in a fight.
At some point, the chimp is going to respond to any harm being done to it, and it will use vicious attacks to kill the person or render them unable to fight. Chimps maul their prey and enemies, and they would do the same to humans.
Furthermore, even if these two sides were very angry and upset with one another, I don't know if the herbivores could stomach the fight. After a cagey start, the bear would win. As soon as the first primate is down, the other will be dealing not just with a mismatched fight, but also substantial amounts of grief.
The strongest land animal in the world is the elephant. The typical Asian elephant has 100,000 muscles and tendons arranged along the length of the trunk, enabling it to lift almost 800 pounds. The gorilla, the strongest as well as largest primate on the planet, is at least six times stronger than the average human.
An elephant would beat a bear in a fight. Even though we have granted this hypothetical bear the best features of all the various species, the fact remains that they cannot do enough damage to kill an adult elephant. A fully grown bull elephant would most likely smell or hear a bear coming long before it showed up.