What are common bad traits of INFJ?

INFJ Weaknesses
  • Overlooking details. No matter how practically-oriented they aspire to be, INFJs have a tendency to get so caught up in theorizing the big picture that they forget to account for some of the precious details that can separate success from failure. ...
  • Intensely private. ...
  • Conflict averse. ...
  • Sensitive.

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What is the main weakness of INFJ?

Advocate (INFJ) Weaknesses. Sensitive to Criticism – Advocates aren't averse to feedback – that is, unless they believe that someone is challenging their most cherished principles or values. When it comes to the issues that are near and dear to them, people with this personality type can become defensive or dismissive.

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What does INFJ struggle with?

In my experience as an MBTI® practitioner, one of the most common struggles I hear from INFJs is the struggle of being misunderstood. INFJs feel misunderstood in their external environment and even by themselves.

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What annoys an INFJ the most?

Things the INFJ Hates
  1. Staying on the surface. ...
  2. Manipulation and deceit. ...
  3. People who take and rarely give. ...
  4. Arguing just to argue. ...
  5. Constant chaos. ...
  6. Not getting enough alone time. ...
  7. When people are inconsiderate. ...
  8. Having to compromise their values.

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What type should INFJ avoid?

The best matches for INFJs include intuitive types such as INTJ, INFP, and ENFJ. INFJs are the least compatible with sensors, especially ESTJs, ESTPs, and ESFPs.

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The Dark Side Of INFJ - The World's Rarest Personality Type

23 related questions found

What makes an INFJ uncomfortable?

Reading too much into a situation

INFJs can appear very awkward when their intuition kicks in and they start reading into a situation. For instance, if someone is being sweeter to the boss than usual, you may infer that they are doing it to get ahead at work.

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Who is the soulmate of INFJ?

ENFP. If you have an ENFP as a friend, you'll know how fun and inclusive these types can be. ENFPs may be an INFJ's best match due to the similarities and complementary traits these types share.

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What makes INFJ jealous?

Because of our passionate need for meaningful connection, we INFJs can get jealous easily when we see other people connecting and having fun. We might compare ourselves to them, or worse yet, when someone close to us has friends of their own, we might pull away, feeling unwanted and pathetic.

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What is an INFJ greatest fear?

ENFJ – Being Alone

Prolonged bouts of alone time can make ENFJs feel empty and uninspired. “My mind wanders to dark places if I'm alone for too long. Being around people is a huge comfort and something I couldn't stand to be without for an extended period of time.”

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What makes INFJ intimidating?

INFJs are perfectionists.

The INFJs perfectionism can create high standards that are nearly unreachable—and that can make them an intimidating presence, especially in professional or academic settings.

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Why is it hard for INFJ to date?

Because INFJs require commitment early on, many people shy away from dating INFJs. While this trait can make it difficult for INFJs to start a romantic relationship, it also serves them by weeding out potential partners who are afraid of commitment.

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What stresses an INFJ out?

Too many details or other sensory stimuli can provoke a stress reaction in INFJs, especially when you feel uncertain about a situation. Unexpected environments, events or interruptions unsettle you greatly since you are forced to focus on immediate, sensory details rather than relying on your intuition.

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What are INFJs naturally good at?

INFJs have great insight into people and situations. They are creative with deep feelings and strong convictions that guide their lives. Strongly humanitarian in outlook, INFJs tend to be idealists, and they are generally doers as well as dreamers.

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What are INFJ hobbies?

Popular hobbies for the INFJ include writing, art appreciation, cultural events, reading, socializing in small, intimate settings, and playing or listening to music.

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What are INFJs commonly mistyped as?

INFP is the type most commonly mistaken for INFJ, and they use Ne as their co-pilot process. If Signs 1 and 5 are both sound true for you there's a very good chance you're an INFP.

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What angers an INFJ?

Because INFJs are so naturally aware of harmony levels and emotional needs, they are irritated by people who seem tactless, rude, mean-spirited, troll-ish, or unnecessarily disruptive. In situations where someone is corrupting the emotional atmosphere for their own selfish gains, an INFJ can become severely angered.

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Do INFJs get irritated easily?

INFJ: Finds a Creative Outlet

If you're an INFJ, you suppress your anger. “The Counselor” type will avoid addressing their feelings of frustration because they hate conflict, and the idea of confronting someone might break them out in hives.

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Do INFJ suffer from anxiety?

The INFJ is a huge perfectionist. While often seen as a good thing that drives perseverance and success, it is also known to cause problems such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, relationship problems, high stress, and even suicide. INFJs set near impossible standards for themselves and for those around them.

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What do INFJs cry about?

INFJs' sensitivity means they have a deep appreciation for beauty and the arts. They can be moved to tears by music, art, theatre, books, films, food or flowers.

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How does INFJ react to heartbreak?

A heartbroken INFJ might think they should never have trusted this person in the first place and eat themselves up with guilt. They might get angry and defensive, scared of ever letting another person in. It's okay to feel those things, but it's not healthy to stay there long-term.

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What makes INFJ misunderstood?

INFJs are often misunderstood because their personality makes them seem more intense than the average person. As introverts, they are prone to deep thinking and ongoing internal monologues. As intuitive feelers, they are adept at reading and understanding the emotions of others.

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Who is INFJ most likely to marry?

The best matches for an INFJ are the ENFP and the ENTP personality types. Both the ENFP and the ENTP types openly give support to those around them and to those who need affirmation. The extraverted features of the ENFP and the ENTP balance the introverted nature of the INFJ and bring out the best in INFJs.

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Who is the best friend of an INFJ?

In my experience as an INFJ, extroverted types that I get along well with include the following:
  • ENFP (“The Inspirer”)
  • ENFJ (“The Giver”)
  • INTJ (“The Scientist”)
  • INFP (“The Idealist”)
  • INTP (“The Logician”)

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What is the golden match for INFJ?

INFJs and INTPs are one of the most common relationship pairings; so common, in fact, that they are often called “the golden pair”.

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