Relationship dynamics will go up and down based on communication, compromise and commitment, the 3C's.
Three love theory is centred around the idea that over the course of our lifetime, we will fall head-over-heels in love three times. As we progress through each 'love', we grow, evolve and inevitably get our hearts broken; that is, until we land on our third 'love', who some might consider 'the one'.
This internal motivation is the ultimate edge and is founded in the what I call, the 3 C's: commitment, consistency, and communication. Commitment is a promise to do or give something. This promise is filled with loyalty to specific goals and objectives. The attitude of someone who works very hard to achieve success.
You need the 4 C's: Communication, Collaboration, Consideration, and Compatibility. Yet as with many things that are simple, they're not always easy! Let's look at how they work to help build a relationship.
Valuing who the other person is and understanding each other's boundaries. Trust. Feeling confident that both people can rely on the other to be honest and have each other's back. Honesty.
Three qualities that are essential for creating a healthy, enduring relationship are: respect, friendship, and trust. When we hold respect for our partner, we foster a feeling of esteem and admiration. We feel good about who they are.
So take them in the spirit in which they are offered, which is a lens to think about your own relationship. This blog is the first of a series on the 5 C's which are Chemistry, Commonality, Constructive Conflict, Courtesy and Commitment.
Sometimes the most loving thing to do in a relationship impasse is to let it go. The Five A's can guide healthy people into reciprocal adult relationships. Applying the principles of attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection and allowing can upgrade your participation in any relationship.
The ABCs of healthy relationships refer to Attitude, Boundaries and Communication. Trauma, abuse, neglect and general chaos in people's lives makes establishment difficult but by no means impossible. Communication and boundaries are the two major components of healthy relationships.
It consists of the company, the customer, and the competition, which are the three critical components to creating a successful strategy.
The three C's of credit are character, capacity, and capital. Each of the elements are important for determining a person or group's credit rating.
The three Cs of customer satisfaction: Consistency, consistency, consistency. Share. Print. Download.
Our golden rule for couples is: “Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.” Instead of treating our partner as we would like to be treated, we need to treat them as they want to be treated.
Relationships are fluid and continuously moving through one of three phases at any given time. The three phases of relationships are Connection, Disconnection, and Repair.
A study has shown that a person can fall in love at least three times in their lifetime. However, each one of these relationships can happen in a different light from the one before and each one serves as a different purpose.
Your relationship is a living, breathing thing. It's important to keep it healthy and growing. There are seven key factors that influence the progression of your relationship in some way; Accountability, Safety, Honesty, Cooperation, Trust & most importantly, Respect.
So we talked about the 4 pillars of a relationship. Commitment, Trust, Respect and Communication.
A successful marriage requires a mix of Compatibility, Chemistry, Commitment, Community, Communication and Compassion.
Communication, caring, commitment, companionship, compromise, and contact are the six essential love-tools an individual must know to make a stronger and happy relationship. So, open up yourself for unconditional give and take of love. Now, the main question is, are you working on your 6C's yet?
It's all about the "three P's." "We profess, we provide and we protect," he says. "A man has got to see where he fits into the providing and protecting role.
According to experts, the foundation of being happy in a relationship is built on communication and trust. Relationship experts agree there are many qualities that happy relationships have in common. From spending quality time together to picking your battles, happy couples take time to put in the work.
An ideal partner is respectful of and sensitive to the other, having uniquely individual goals and priorities. Ideal partners value the other's interests separate from their own. They feel congenial toward and supportive of one another's overall goals in life.