In positive psychology we say 'other people matter. ' The data from the Grant study shows this is overwhelmingly true. More than money, fame, career success, social class, intelligence or genes the single most important factor in a long and happy life is love.
Positive psychology — considered the science of happiness — makes a distinction between happiness and authentic happiness (well-being). The theory suggests that happiness can be described as three distinct elements chosen for their own sakes: positive emotion, engagement, and meaning.
Some strategies for increasing happiness in your life:
Take time to engage in random acts of kindness. Respond actively and constructively, celebrating when others share good news with you. Attend to others mindfully, and practice compassion and empathy.
Which of the following is the strongest predictor of happiness according to recent research?
"As we started persuading people we ought to study [love]," Aron told Tech Insider, researchers began to find something remarkable: "The single biggest predictor of human happiness is the quality of [a person's] relationships."
A 75 year old Harvard study revealed the most important factor in human happiness
16 related questions found
What correlates most strongly with happiness?
Since the onset of positive psychology, researchers have been interested in those character strengths that correlate highest with happiness. As is clear below, strong patterns have emerged (e.g., zest, hope, gratitude, love, and curiosity frequently emerge with the highest correlations with life satisfaction).
So, happiness is good. But, how do we get it? Diener identifies five factors that contribute to happiness: social relationships, temperament/adaptation, money, society and culture, and positive thinking styles.
Do you know the happiness pie chart? If you've read a book or listened to a talk about happiness in the past 15 years, there's a good chance you heard that 50 percent of our happiness is determined by our genes, 40 percent by our activities, and 10 percent by our life circumstances.
Aristotle states there are three principles of persuasion one must adhere to in order to persuade another of an idea. Those principles are ethos, pathos and logos.
more respect from others; less stress; reduced feelings of jealousy; happier memories (research has indicated gratefulness helps us remember the good stuff in life and minimize the negative);
Generally variable with highest correlation is a good predictor. You can also compare coefficients to select the best predictor (Make sure you have normalized the data before you perform regression and you take absolute value of coefficients) You can also look change in R-squared value.
The most important happiness choice is to invest in your closest relationship whether it's a spouse, partner, parent, sibling or friend. We all know that exercising and taking care of yourself correlates with good health. The happiest among us actually do exercise and take care of ourselves.