For men, it's honor and respect, sex, friendship with their wives, and domestic support. You don't meet those needs based on your own needs or desires but on his needs and a commitment that you're going to do that the rest of your life.
Food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter are the bare necessities for anyone's survival. For many people, these basic needs can not be met without the aid of charitable organizations. A reliable place to receive a meal can be what's needed for a person to focus on obtaining higher needs.
The number one need of a man is honor. Wow, can this one be a tough one for us ladies. I could write an entire post on honor alone, but for now I will highlight a few ways we can show him honor. Think of someone you highly respect.
Men want to know that they are respected by their wives above every other person. Every man feels this internal pressure to excel. We need to be successful at least one place in our life. If we can't feel that respect in our home, we will find that somewhere else.
Men thrive when they know that their wife trusts them, admires them and believes in them. A wife might show her loyalty by standing up for her man when he feels the world is against him. Let him know you support what he's passionate about. Show him that you value what he values.
Men Need Love and Affection
In plain language: Men often feel most loved by the women in their lives when their partners hug them, kiss them, smile at them, and explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection. Men also feel loved and connected through sexuality, often to a greater degree than women do.
Although security is a very broad term and general in meaning, nevertheless, it is a woman's greatest need. Whether a woman is growing up with her parents or living with her husband, she has the genuine need to be secure. A woman needs to know she is safe and well provided for in every aspect.
A high-value man wants a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't have to act differently to try to impress others. Instead, just be you. Let him see who you are on the inside and let him get to know and fall for you. Don't be afraid of your quirks or flaws because that's what makes you real.
Brides Often Ask
Just like a woman would want from her husband, a man often needs love, loyalty and trust most from his wife. Alongside other qualities such as support, kindness and compatibility.
A traditional list of immediate "basic needs" is food (including water), shelter and clothing.
Men may not be expressive, but they also have emotional needs. They look for comforting companionship, affection, emotional security, appreciation, compatibility, good level of understanding, independence of decision-making, and encouragement from their partners.
To make a man emotionally happy, you should let him know how you feel about him -- whether you love him, or just like him a whole lot. When you say goodbye to your man, let him know that you love him or that he's great, and find at least one reason to compliment him every time you hang out.
Some common emotional needs that men look forward to getting are respect, affection, sexual fulfillment, honesty, prioritization, etc.
We must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive. Before past explorers set off to find new lands and conquer new worlds, they had to make sure that their basic needs were met.
Marriage Love Needs: Mutual love is an obvious requirement to have a marriage that operates from this level. Kindness, compassion, companionship, intimacy, affection, sex (lovemaking) are also important factors here.
Many men value intimacy in their relationships and marriage as much as they value their lives. Intimacy to a man is fully knowing your partner's likes, dislikes, weaknesses, and strengths and being intentional in considering these as you relate.
Being supportive, compassionate, and encouraging towards your significant other plays a huge part in building a successful and happy relationship. Nobody wants to be with a person who is a Debbie Downer all the time. Men want women who support them in their endeavors or in their times of need.
“A man will commit when he feels a deep connection with a woman that he doesn't feel with anyone else; when he finds a lover who is also his best friend that makes him feel special and unique,” Tripp says.
High value men are usually attracted to people who are positive and optimistic. When you show your amazing qualities like kind, cheerful, energetic, men will admire you and want to be around you. You will attract a high value man who will appreciate the qualities that you have to offer.
Open or unobstructed communication is hugely important to the female gender, and that you can be emotionally available for her. Praise her. Make it a habit to often acknowledge and praise her for her work accomplishments so she can feel like she's a valuable part of your life. Let her be part of your team.
She's responsible, loyal, and dedicated to whatever she makes a decision on. She doesn't give up on what she starts and gives everything in life her all. She brings these qualities to her relationships, always believing in the best in the person she's with, and never giving up on them.
The qualities of a good woman include empathy, kindness, determination, ambition, and loyalty amongst other positive character traits. A good woman is also someone who is compassionate, resilient and treats others with respect.