This means the top most commonly used letters in 5-letter words (in terms of total frequency as well as average frequency) were the letters A, E, S, O, R, I, L, T, etc.
Over 15% of Wordle's words of the day start with S. Only six other starting letters appear in more than 5% of Wordle words. In order of frequency, they are C, B, T, P, A, and F. These starting letters might seem pretty surprising, but they are close to the order of general five-letter words.
Many statistically-minded people like to make the absolute most out of their starting two guesses by squeezing in all of the top 10 most common letters. That means you need two words that include all of E, T, A, O, I, N, S, R, H, and L.
The least common letters in all words are the usual suspects: J, Q, Z, X, and it's unlikely any five-letter Wordle word would contain any of those characters. F, V, and K are also uncommon, but these letters have higher odds of being in one of the five possible Wordle positions.
The reason SALET is a more optimal guess than fan favorites like ADIEU and AUDIO is because, on average, it helps narrow down the possible answers in Wordle's word bank the fastest. On average, the algorithm solved Wordle's puzzles in 3.421 guesses when starting with SALET.
Here are the 5 "Magic" Words that will help you solve Wordle more often than not. "Derby, flank, ghost, winch, jumps."
The three most common are NUMBER, PEOPLE, and BEFORE. These are good words to use to make get rid of hard-to-use letters, such as both Ps, a B and an F, and a U and a B.
Wordle, the popular word-guessing game from the New York Times, will no longer use plural words, according to an announcement made last week. Over the past year, tens of millions of people tried to guess the five-letter word of the day.
There are many five letter words with two vowels. Apple, Heart, Pizza, Water, Music, Green and Death are examples.
Based on our analysis, if you're trying to win in as few guesses as possible, the top three words to go with are: SLICE. TRIED. CRANE.
EUNOIA is the shortest word in English which has all five vowels.
Worldle, Quordle, and Octordle all use 5-letter words for each clue.
For a one seed strategy the best word is 'tales'. Using this word leads to success in over 95% of games with an average game length of 3.66 rounds. For a three seed word strategy; start with 'hates', follow with 'round', follow with 'climb'.
The most common letters used in Wordle are E R A O T, according to an analysis of 221 games from Christopher Ingraham, a former Washington Post reporter. Context: Invented by Josh Wardle, a software engineer in Brooklyn, to amuse his friends and partner, Wordle has become a daily obsession for many ( ?).
Can letters repeat in Wordle? Yes, letters can repeat in Wordle. Previous Wordle answers have included “naval”, “evade”, “serve”, and “karma”. There are many more examples of past answers making use of words with repeating letters too, so it's a certainty that some future ones will also.
How Wordle Uses Repeat Letters. Once we have that sneaking suspicion that the answer is using a letter more than once, we need to remember Wordle's three rules for duplicates. The answer will have at most two sets of duplicate letters. Wordle only uses five-letter words, after all.
The New York Times has removed 'obscure', 'insensitive' and 'offensive' words from Wordle - ABC News.
Wordle player Chuck Smith, from Toronto, told The Washington Post he broke a 338-day streak.
Wordle in Four
Most people should, on average, get it in at least 4, even on days where it is harder. Especially if you aren't making risky moves, four guesses should supply you with enough information to make a correct guess.