Admission criteria
Minimum ATAR (or eqv): 96.00.
In Australia, the lowest minimum ATAR required by a medical program is an ATAR of 90 (Monash University) or adjusted ATAR of 90 (University of Adelaide). If you're a rural student, you could also apply to La Trobe's medical program, which has a minimum unadjusted ATAR requirement of 80.
Admission to this course is on the basis of the following criteria: A secondary education qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents). An ATAR of 99.95 or equivalent is required*.
What is the ATAR for Medicine in NSW and Canberra? For students wishing to study medicine in New South Wales, they will need to achieve an ATAR above 90 and in most cases in the mid-90s or even higher.
To even have a chance of success, you need a really top-tier ATAR in addition to an excellent UCAT score. This statistic tells us that scoring lower than 99.25 is not considered 'strong' performance when you compare yourself against other students aiming to gain entry into medicine.
Only 48 of the more than 65,000 school leavers in NSW achieved the 99.95 ATAR needed to gain entry into medicine at the University of Sydney. Yet the course is so popular that even some of those students could miss out on one of the 30 places offered to undergraduates each year.
ATAR scores form part of the entry criteria for the Undergraduate pathway. As entry into medical school is highly competitive, students need to achieve extremely high ATAR scores, often a minimum of 95+ (though higher to be competitive).
In general, entrance into undergraduate Medicine is based on three elements: Your high school results, or ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) Your UCAT scores (University Clinical Aptitude Test)
For non-rural students who do not qualify for any special access schemes, UNSW Medicine has an official ATAR minimum cut-off of 96.00, and no official UCAT ANZ cut-off exists. However, to have a realistic shot, your scores need to be higher than around ATAR 99.50 & UCAT 92%tile.
Steps To Become A Doctor in Australia
Becoming a doctor in Australia is a highly competitive process. The number of steps and years involved in becoming a doctor entirely depends on the speciality and the course you choose to pursue. Also, it depends on whether you are an international or domestic candidate.
HSR – your high school rank at the end of grade 12 may need to be an ATAR of 99 or better for direct entry into medical school, but it is lower for some medical schools; click here for ATAR and entry requirements for every medical school in Australia in 2022.
Unlikely. If you want to get in with a 97 ATAR my guess is that you'd need 100th percentile and a very strong interview, or a minimum 95-98th percentile UMAT with a killer interview.
The reality is that most students arrive at university with an ATAR of less than 90. It is a rank, and therefore only some students will get 90 and above. The ATAR shows a student's achievement in relation to other students. It's also not a complete sign of "success".
Entry requirements
You'll usually need: at least 5 GCSEs grades 9 to 7 (A* or A), including English maths and sciences. 3 A levels, or equivalent, including biology and chemistry.
Admission to medical schools in Australia is generally quite competitive and medicine is the most difficult program to get into in Australia and New Zealand. However, it is possible for many students to be accepted to medical school in Australia. 2. How do I get into medical school in Australia?
Universities use the ATAR to help them select students for their courses and admission to most tertiary courses is based on your selection rank (your ATAR + any applicable adjustments).
Study a Doctor of Medicine, which is a four year masters level degree. Complete an intern year. Gain general medical registration through the Medical Board of Australia. Complete one or more years of prevocational training for studying specialties.
You need an ATAR of 99 . 9 at least to be considered. You have to get an suitable score on the UMAT test and do well at an interview with an admissions panel.
The ATAR is a number from 0 and 99.95 in intervals of 0.05. The highest rank is 99.95, the next highest 99.90, and so on. The lowest automatically reported rank is 30.00, with ranks below 30.00 being reported as 'less than 30'. Find out more about how ATARs are calculated.
An ATAR of 100 is impossible
Because the ATAR is a rank (not a percentage or mark) and it's measured in increments of 0.05 the highest ATAR you could get is 99.95.
The Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is a number between 0 and 99.95 given to all Australian students upon graduation from high school. It's important to note that the ATAR is not a score, but a rank. It serves as a measure of each student's overall academic performance relative to the rest of their cohort.