Blepharitis can be part of the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis or a highly reactive form of acne known as rosacea. A combination of blepharitis and dry mouth may indicate an autoimmune condition known as Sjogren's (SHOW-grins) syndrome.
In conclusion, blepharitis is not an autoimmune disease.
It is associated with autoimmune diseases, and some autoimmune diseases do affect the eyes, mimicking the symptoms of blepharitis, but it is not itself autoimmune in nature.
Chronic lupus erythematosus often appear on the face, ears, and scalp. In exchange eyelids involvement as a chronic blepharitis is rare.
An ophthalmologist is a licensed medical doctor who can order any type of test. Based on the eye exam, an ophthalmologist may order a blood test to diagnose a number of conditions such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, or certain types of infections. Sometimes it is faster for the ophthalmologist to order a test.
The exact cause of blepharitis isn't clear. It might be associated with one or more of the following: Seborrheic dermatitis — dandruff of the scalp and eyebrows. Infection.
Allergic, Immune-Mediated, and Actinic Blepharitis
Causes include chronic fly-bite irritation and environmental allergens such as molds, dust, sprays, and certain drugs. The eyelids can also be affected with immune-mediated diseases such as pemphigus foliaceus and bullous pemphigoid.
Blepharitis isn't associated with any particular patient demographic, but there is evidence suggesting it's linked to hormonal changes in women, diabetes, oral contraceptives or antidepressants, and several autoimmune disorders, including ocular rosacea or Sjogren's syndrome.
Most significantly, this condition appears to be more prevalent in Sjögren's syndrome patients. 2,3 If left untreated, blepharitis can impact a patient's eye health, appearance, contact lens use, and quality of life. Unchecked blepharitis can compromise results of cataract or LASIK surgery.
Acute ulcerative blepharitis is usually caused by bacterial infection (usually staphylococcal) of the eyelid margin at the origins of the eyelashes; the lash follicles and the meibomian glands are also involved. It may also be due to a virus (eg, herpes simplex, varicella zoster).
Estrogen and androgen influence the production of all components of the tear film; therefore, a reduction in these hormones could lead to worsening DED. Worsening meibomian gland dysfunction, DED symptoms, and Demodex blepharitis are all potential side effects of HRT with testosterone.
Believe it or not, fibromyalgia can also impact your eye health. If you have fibromyalgia, you're more likely to develop dry eye syndrome and blepharitis. Dry eyes can make your eyes feel itchy, watery, or even gritty.
Causes of anterior blepharitis
Dry eyes: Dry tear ducts can alter bacterial resistance, resulting in infection. Lice or mites in eyelashes (demodicosis): Lice or Demodex mites can block eyelash follicles and glands in your eye. One study found that 30% of people with chronic blepharitis had Demodex mites.
Blepharitis rarely disappears completely. Even with successful treatment, the condition frequently is chronic and requires daily attention with eyelid scrubs. If you don't respond to treatment, or if you've also lost eyelashes or only one eye is affected, the condition could be caused by a localized eyelid cancer.
Symptoms of blepharitis are usually consistent with dry eye symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis.
Stress is a known trigger for blepharitis. Stress can aggravate skin conditions like rosacea, dandruff, eczema, and psoriasis.
In my experience, certain foods may trigger blepharitis. These include processed or fried foods, sugar, white flour and fizzy drinks tends to aggravate the condition. I have also found that a varied diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and high intake of natural Omega-3 containing foods helps reduce flare-ups.
Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many systems of the body, including the skin, brain, heart and lungs. The effects of lupus in and around the eyes include inflammation of the white outer layer of the eyeball, changes in the skin around the eyelids and damage to nerves controlling eye movement.
Typical symptoms are irritated, gritty, scratchy, or burning eyes, a feeling of something in the eyes, excess watering, and blurred vision. Advanced cases of dry eyes may result in damage to the front surface of the eye and impaired vision.
Scleritis is a condition of the eye in which the whites of the eyes become inflamed and inflamed. Nearly one percent of those with lupus will experience scleritis which can lead to symptoms of light sensitivity.
Sjögren syndrome is an autoimmune disorder. This means that the body's own immune system attacks its own cells and tissues by mistake. In this case, it attacks the glands that produce moisture. It commonly causes dry skin, dry eyes, and dry mouth.