God sees each of us through eyes of unconditional love, and He loves everyone—it doesn't matter what they do, where they work, how much money they have, how educated they are or what they look like.
The Eyes of God grants the user absolute omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence, amplified 100 million times when the eyes are used to the fullest, in addition to being able to fulfill any wish of the wielder.
We must intentionally put our focus on Jesus and embrace our uniqueness and all that God has given us. He chooses to see us as right and justified because we are in His Son and we believe. He is so much greater than our flaws, struggles, and our past.
Through the death and miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in your life, God sees Jesus when he sees you. There are many reasons to praise God, both found in scripture and out of our personal experience with Him.
Vision is revealed as you let your life speak. As you “listen” to your life and what God is saying to you through it, the Holy Spirit will show you what you need to see and understand.
“The Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
God has a general life vision for all believers that is based in His desires for all of the major areas of your life. And he also has a specific vision for each individual related to your unique purpose in the world.
They utilize 65% of your brainpower. They can develop about 36,000 bits of information an hour. They are the second most powerful body part after brain. The real eye is always working and not at all sleeps.
20/10 vision is thought to be the maximum visual acuity of human eyes without binoculars or other magnifying devices.
One of the Three Great Eyes in Naruto, the Rinnegan is the strongest eye of them all. It was first said to be wielded by Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths. Using the Rinnegan, the user can learn any jutsu they want and they gain access to special abilities and techniques commonly known as the Six Paths Powers.
Eagles – Best Eyes in the Animal Kingdom
One with 20/20 vision can see clearly at a distance of 20 ft. To put that into perspective, an eagle has the visual acuity of 20/5 – meaning that it can see at 20 feet what a human with 20/20 vision would need to be 5 feet away from to see.
"We can't see God because it's easy for you to see somebody and believe he or she is real. God wants us to be strong and not see but still believe and for us to have faith in him."
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus makes use of a masjal about the eye as the lamp of the body: The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.
God looks like nothing we could comprehend
For example, John 4:24 says God is a spirit, and as Exodus 33:20 points out, “You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” “As sinful human beings, we are incapable of seeing God in all his glory,” according to Got Questions.
“How God sees the world” is the Bible, Western philosophy, Mathematics, Literature, Science and Life. The book is unique and revolutionary in the history of humanity because the author uses mathematical reasoning to prove the truths in religion, philosophy, and life.
Did you know that you can literally TOUCH THE HEART OF GOD by showing God's love in a practical way to someone in need? This is something we all need to pray about today. “God, help me see a need and meet it.
If you are a Christian then the Bible proclaims that you absolutely do hear God's voice: John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” The only condition on that promise is that you are one of God's sheep — with the analogy of Jesus being the Good Shepherd and we, the people of his ...
Through the scriptures, we are taught that God will always hear our prayers and will answer them if we address Him with faith and real intent. In our hearts we will feel the confirmation that He does hear us, a feeling of peace and calm.
Hearing God's voice, it seems, is no longer just for prophets. A poll recently released by an evangelical Christian research group shows that about three-quarters of Americans say Jesus speaks directly to them.
Jesus and the disciples
The eleven, who shared the Last Supper with Jesus on earth, will eat and drink with him in heaven. Peter, James, John, and the others will be named and known in heaven as clearly as they were named and known on earth.
Second, He is “watching over us”. That means Yahweh, our personal protector, is taking care of us. He is providing for us, He is protecting us. Nothing we will ever encounter in the world we live in will dilute his grace in our lives.
Ocean creatures are known for their weird eyes, but scallops have one of the weirdest visual systems of all. These marine bivalves (above) have up to 200 eyes, and each of them uses a mirror instead of a lens to focus light.
Mantis shrimps (Stomatopoda)
Mantis shrimps probably have the most sophisticated vision in the animal kingdom. Their compound eyes move independently and they have 12 to 16 visual pigments compared to our three. They are the only animals known to be able to see circular polarised light.