Capricorn men tend to be attracted to women who have a distinct feminine energy. Usually, the types to wear dresses and high heels on a date. They like sexy, but in an understated way. Appearance aside, a feminine woman is a perfect companion for the stoic Capricorn man.
They are attracted to individuals who are polite, charming, and have high moral standards of behavior. If you want to attract a Capricorn, impeccable grooming will draw instant respect. Don't be gaudy or flashy if you have a date with a Capricorn. Turn off your phone and tune in to old-fashioned romance.
As for looks, according to Alpheratz, “Capricorns love partners who exude elegance, class, and dignity. So, good style, looking well-groomed, and having an eye for beauty is attractive to them.”
Capricorn men like to be praised for their many strengths.
Your messages will mean more if they point out what makes him so special (like his cute laugh or his music taste). He'll appreciate your kind words, and he'll end up missing your encouragement when you're gone.
Intense Emotions Are a Turn Off
A Capricorn man keeps his emotions in check and finds intense emotional displays very unsettling. If you're highly emotional, Capricorn will turn into an iceberg as a way to distance himself.
Capricorn love language: Luxury Items (Receiving Gifts)
Nothing is better than someone who knows how to select a piece with the highest quality at the best price point. Someone who won't choose what's cheap over something meant to last.
They can get egoistic and even hide their emotions when they have a crush. Not even the people closest to them will know if they have fallen for someone. They can hold their secrets well.
Capricorn men are usually reserved and quiet, but they do open up and show their humorous side with people they really like. If he tells you jokes, teases you, or acts silly when he's around you, it could be a sign he's into you. Next time you see him, try telling him a joke or teasing him and see how he reacts.
If a Capricorn man is taking interest in what you like to do, wants to know and tries different activities with you and for you, then you know his sentiments. He is into you and when they pay attention to you, it is how they express their true feelings.
The back of the knees is known to be a special erogenous zone for a Capricorn, who can be aroused by a slow and sensual massage.
Generally, the most compatible signs for Capricorn friendships and romantic relationships are fellow earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus), as they speak the same emotional language, and water signs for their emotional connection (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio).
Just like a Sagittarius, the legs and knees are the main erogenous zone of focus. Any leg action, from calf traces to thigh bites, will satisfy a Cappie's deepest urges. Capricorns feel deeply connected by touch, so give them a few sensual kisses when their legs are up over your shoulders and see what happens.
Most Capricorn men are loyal and attentive partners. However, every so often you may stumble across one who likes to play games. While Capricorn men aren't players by nature, if the guy in your life is constantly sending mixed signals, it can be tough to know where the relationship is headed.
He may dislike a woman who is overly emotional, unreliable, or lacks direction in life. Being genuine and supportive can go a long way in winning his heart, but remember not to smother him. Ultimately, mutual understanding and respect are the key components to a successful relationship with a Capricorn man.
Talk about your ambitions.
Get flirty by complimenting Capricorn on the progress they've made and celebrating their accomplishments. Capricorn wants to know that you're a motivated person who can help them work towards their goals too. "I think it's so impressive that you have plans to start your own company.
As mentioned, Capricorns are slow to fall in love and only consider being in a relationship with someone they see long-term potential with. They take love very seriously and won't just end a relationship without a solid reason. Thus, when Capricorn initiates a breakup, they are likely to cut ties and never look back.
If a Capricorn man is falling in love with you, he will always be trying to impress you. He will go out of his way to do things that he knows you will like and he will always try to make a good impression on you. He will always be making good acts of service towards you or in front of you.
Capricorn guys want someone who's comfortable on their own.
So in some ways, the best way to get his attention is just to focus on yourself! Spend time doing all of the things you love alone, work on yourself, and make sure he knows you're thrive solo, too. Focus on your sport, your craft, or your education.
Earliest Stages of Dating a Capricorn Man
The first few times you meet, he'll ask you to join him at a place where you can easily talk with one another with no romantic expectations. Be warm, genuine, confident, direct, and down-to-earth when you meet; share a little about yourself and ask about him.
You can tell a Capricorn man is attracted to you through the way he is physically with you. He'll suddenly start to make physical contact with you, where he's not a very touchy-feely guy in general. Excuses to touch you will become more frequent. He may even try to plant a kiss on you if he thinks you're feeling him.
For example, he might express appreciation or gratitude with a gentle, romantic kiss—and later convey desire with a more sensual and passionate kiss. He might also shake things up by kissing you in other places. For example, Capricorn guys will kiss your forehead, cheek, and hands as simple gestures of affection.
Capricorns can be impatient and finicky, which is one of their flaws. Grudges and moodiness are also common traits. Change is difficult for them, especially if it's something to which they've become accustomed.