In Columbus, the average person swears 36 times per day, and they are most likely to swear while at work, the survey found. Columbus is followed by Las Vegas, where the average resident curses 30 times every day.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — Columbus is the most foul-mouthed city in the United States, according to a recent study by Preply. Preply surveyed more than 1,500 residents in 30 major U.S. cities to determine which cities swear most frequently.
Columbus, Ohio, ranked No. 1 for swearing, with residents swearing an average of 36 times per time per day. Las Vegas, where residents swear an average of 30 times per day, came in second. In third place is Jacksonville, Fla., where locals express themselves 28 times daily.
1. F*ck. The word f-u-c-k is one of the most widely recognized swear words in the English language.
According to residents, Columbus, Ohio, is the major U.S. city that swears the most per day. At an average of 36 swears per day, Columbusites may have foul mouths, but they're followed closely by Las Vegas, Nevada residents, who swear an average of 30 times per day.
“By the mid-20th century it's become a minced oath, so it's not considered offensive anymore, really,” says Bergen. Depending where you live, though, you might never hear “friggin'” from anyone except the Real Housewives. Where do people say “freakin'” compared with “friggin'”?
Cursing countries which swear the most - and the least
The French have 7.59% - or seven in every 100 people - using curse words online per year. A close second was Poland, with 7.31%. Further down the rankings are Australia, New Zealand and Spain. Around 4% of their population are using expletives online a year.
In Sweden, bad words mostly have a religious origin and in the past it was common to amplify them with numbers, such as 'sjutton' (17), 'attans' (an old word for 18), and 'tusan' (meaning 1,000).
The three-letter words included in the list are ass, cum, fag, gay, god, Jew, and tit.
Dunbar is famed in Scottish and ecclesiastical history for issuing the longest curse, a 1000-word diatribe against the Borders reivers who he excommunicated saying this: “I curse their head and all the hairs of their head.
Swearing: Swearing is more common in Australia than in many other cultures. Television programmes are less censored and mainstream society is largely desensitised to words that foreigners may find vulgar. It is normal to hear an Australian swear at some point during a conversation.
Public profanity is an offence in every jurisdiction in Australia.
It's hard to imagine such a strict law in such a laid-back place, but the no-swearing law in St Kitts and Nevis is no joke. On a winding drive from the airport to the ferry port in St. Kitts, a local driver warns that there are only two things you must never do here.
Judaism. Judaism forbids the use of profanity as contradicting the Torah's command to "Be holy", which revolves around the concept of separating oneself from worldly practices (including the use of vulgar language).
The 10 actors who have sworn most in cinema history:
Samuel L Jackson – 301. Adam Sandler – 295. Al Pacino – 255. Denzel Washington – 183.
According to our survey, a regular Brit swears around 10.46 times per day – much less than the American daily average of 21, revealed by our study on cities that swear the most in the U.S.
Some of the 3 Letter Words Starting With O are owl, ode, own, oak, one, our, off, oil, ooh, owe, orb, oar, oat, ops, ons, ohs, oxy, ohm, oft, ova, old, odd, ore, etc.
The 3 letter words for kids are ink, aid, bad, cat, dog, eat, fig, god, hat, jug, kit, let, may, net, our, pet, rub, sit, tag, urn, van, war, yes, zip, etc. These are some of the simple 3 letter words for kids.
The "four-letter" claim refers to the fact that many (but not all) English "swear words" are incidentally four-character monosyllables. The term was used in this sense as early as 1886 in the United States and Great Britain.
In Japanese, kuso means the f word. Literally, the word's meaning is something like "poo" or "shit", but it is best translated as "f*ck!" when used as an angry interjection. For example, if a Japanese person stubs their toe, they might shout kuso!
You've seen a grawlix before, especially if you've ever read the Sunday comics. But you might not be aware that the thing had a name. The grawlix is the character or series of characters that often appear in place of profanity—the graphical version of bleeping out a word, if you will.
Cusses, curses, and swears are some of the most fun things to learn when you begin studying a new language. Mandarin Chinese has a wide range of bad words and vicious insults ranging from calling someone a “stupid egg” to cursing their entire ancestral line going back eighteen generations.
Reboot analysed over four million comments on Reddit and examined the UK's most populated cities' subreddits to find that Glaswegians were the most guilty of breaking out the profanities online, with over 15% of comments including a swear word.
Generally, cursing in public is not an illegal offense. However, there are some instances where you still could be charged with disorderly conduct when cursing. This includes: If your language incites violence.
Georgia Is America's Most Foul-Mouthed State
All of this makes Georgia, according to our data at least, the sweariest U.S state. With 48 curse words per 1000 tweets, more people swear here than in Maryland (46 swears) and New Mexico (45 swears).