The Results
80% of the women surveyed found the man in the suit more attractive. Moreover, they found the man, on average, 6% more attractive in his suit than in his casual clothes. But the results didn't stop there.
Did you know that, according to a survey conducted on 1,000 women, nearly 40% of women find casual outfits for men attractive? In fact, 17% of them choose jeans and a t-shirt as their favorite outfit. To be more specific, it's a white shirt and blue denim. There's just nothing sexier.
“A suit is the sexiest thing a man can own and wear.” – Elizabeth D. “Look at everyone in the room. A guy doesn't even have to be good-looking, but when he wears a suit, he'll instantly look best.” – Quinn G. “I love when guys pair a white t-shirt with jeans.
Male-specific factors. Women, on average, tend to be more attracted to men who have a relatively narrow waist, a V-shaped torso, and broad shoulders. Women also tend to be more attracted to men who are taller than they are, and display a high degree of facial symmetry, as well as relatively masculine facial dimorphism.
White polos, or a light pink button-down under a fitted suit, is the perfect way to show your softer, more sensitive side. Baby pink is sexy and is the new black for men. Rolling up your sleeves if you're wearing a long sleeve is also a super sexy turn-on for women.
Keep It Simple – Don't overdress for the occasion and try too hard (ie: wearing a suit when it's the wrong occasion / too many logos/hyped trends). Simple looks from an Essential Wardrobe like dark denim and a blazer or bomber jacket or chinos and an oxford are great places to start.
Studies reveal that red is the most attractive colour to both men and women but, curiously, the two genders are attracted to the same colour for different reasons. Women are attracted to men wearing red because, according to one study, it sends signals of status and dominance.
Show interest in his life and listen attentively. High-value men are attracted to someone highly motivated, concentrated, and has a growth mindset. To put it another way, he doesn't want his companion to stifle his progress. Rather, he'll be on the lookout for someone with whom he can share his growth.
Many things define a great man; however, a few top the list. A great man is considered physically attractive when they are compassionate, caring, and loving. If they would make a good father or lifelong companion, these define the qualities of a great man.
In a nutshell: know how to dress to suit your personal style, smile (but not too big), maintain eye contact, stand up straight, be approachable and don't talk too much. The better part of physical attraction is simply the way you comport yourself.
Backless dress or top
This outfit gives him a taste of how sensual you are and still stays super elegant. If you go for a top, wear some unripped jeans with heels, boots, sandals, or fashion sneakers. For a dress, choose just one kind of statement jewelry and a pair of solid toned heels.
The Color Red
In a series of seven experiments conducted at the University of Rochester and published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, women were more sexually attracted to men who were wearing red or were pictured against a red background.
Irresistible men know that a combination of honesty, kindness, humor, and confidence result in charisma. These are traits everyone wants to have, so when they find someone with those characteristics, it's easy to feel attracted to them. After all, they are everything you want to be.
It says that women are most attracted to male faces that combine the best elements of both these extremes--the large eyes and medium-to-small nose of the baby's face with the strong jaw and wide cheekbones of the mature man's face.
- In the study, men's desirability peaks at age 50. But women's desirability starts high at age 18 and falls throughout their lifespan.