The palm's natural color is light red or pinkish in color. It can sometimes turn yellow due to a number of reasons. Here's what you need to know about these potential causes.
Different colors of human palm give idea about health status of the person. The color of a normal palm is a light red or pinkish red with a shiny, smooth texture. If the color appears either darker or lighter than normal, this may indicate that the condition of health is abnormal.
Red palms of hands can be a sign of a serious underlying condition, such as liver disease or thyroid problems. It is important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing this symptom, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms like fatigue or jaundice.
"Red palms can indicate liver disease. Knobbly knuckles, especially on the lower finger joints, can indicate that a patient has rheumatoid arthritis, and the colour of the creases in the hand, as well as the redness behind the finger nail, can indicate whether someone is anaemic."
The redness in the palms is caused by dilated capillaries in the hand, which draw more blood to the surface. Many doctors think palmar erythema is linked to hormone changes. There are a variety of causes and underlying risk factors that may contribute to palmar erythema, and they vary based on the type of erythema.
Fingers or toes may change color when they are exposed to cold temperatures or stress, or when there is a problem with their blood supply. Raynaud's phenomenon is characterized by blood vessel spasms in the fingers, toes, ears or nose, usually brought on by exposure to cold.
Those with ring fingers the same length or shorter than their index fingers are at most risk of a heart attack in their thirties and forties, the researchers found.
The telltale signs of aging on hands include wrinkles, sun spots, a loss of skin elasticity, vein prominence, and a loss of volume in hands that makes the bones and ligaments in your hands appear more prominent.
Red palms are also known as palmar erythema, or liver palms, and the reddening typically occurs on the lower part of the palm. The redness in the palms is caused by dilated capillaries in the hands which draw more blood to the surface. The degree of redness can vary depending on: Temperature.
red-hand·ed ˈred-ˈhan-dəd. : in the act of committing a crime or misdeed. caught red-handed.
Most hand rash cases are called "contact dermatitis" because they are caused by contact with substances found in the environment. A powerful irritant, like some industrial chemicals, acids or cleaning fluids, are obvious causes of contact dermatitis.
There are several things that might be the cause of discolored hands, from peripheral cyanosis—caused by cold weather—to problems with blood flow, skin disorders, and even simply due to aging.
Because different areas of skin have different thickness and different concentrations of melanocytes, and it's most noticable in the palms of the hands, nipples, and genitals.
“Dry, scaly skin, brittle nails, and dark age spots can become problems as people get older,” says dermatologist Amy Kassouf, MD. As you age, your hands lose fat and elasticity and your skin loses volume. This reduced volume and decreased elasticity produces translucent skin that wrinkles and develops age spots.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
Applying a lotion or cream after washing your hands and bathing helps to trap water in your skin, which can plump up your skin.
Even research proves that people can tell someone's age just by looking at their hands. The hands often look older than our faces due to a combination of age- and environmental-related factors. “The greatest culprit of aging skin is free radical damage,” says board-certified dermatologist Loretta Ciraldo, MD.
Classic signs and symptoms of a heart attack include crushing, substernal chest pain, pain in your shoulders or arms, shortness of breath, and sweating.
The Index finger helps you fight your fears. The Middle finger helps control feelings of rage and bitterness. The Ring finger aids in fighting melancholy and depression. The Pinky helps relieve stress and boosts your optimism and self-esteem.
Nails may take on a bluish tinge if the body lacks adequate oxygen. Heart disease and emphysema may cause this. If you aren't under a doctor's care for an oxygen-related condition, make an appointment to find out what is causing the color change.
When a person has Raynaud's phenomenon, exposure to cold abnormally reduces blood circulation, causing the skin to become pale, waxy-white or purple. The disorder is sometimes called "white finger", "wax finger" or "dead finger."
Blue or grey skin or lips (cyanosis) happens when there's not enough oxygen in your blood, or you have poor blood circulation. It can be caused by a serious problem with the: lungs, like asthma or pneumonia.
Peripheral cyanosis: Causes of blue hands and feet. Peripheral cyanosis is when the hands, fingertips, or feet turn blue because they are not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. Possible causes include Raynaud's disease, cardiovascular problems and hypothermia. All organs and tissues need oxygen to function.