The first period after cesarean section can be heavy with blood clots. During the first period after c- section delivery, dark colour or bright red clots may appear. This usually happens when you are going through heavy bleeding.
For two to three weeks after a vaginal or cesarean section (C-section) delivery, they experience what looks like a heavy period. This is called lochia, a mix of blood and uterine tissue the body doesn't need after pregnancy.
You may notice small blood clots, irregular flow, or increased period pain after a C-section. That's because a lot of your uterine lining must shed with the return of menstruation. Some people also experience a heavy period after C-section, while others have a lighter-than-normal flow.
Four to six weeks of bleeding and discharge after birth is common. For the first few days, you can expect bright or dark red blood and some small clots. This will likely look like an extremely heavy period, where you can expect to soak a thick pad every two to three hours, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Post-birth bleeding.
However, this is not considered menstruation. It is called lochia. In the beginning, your lochia will be deep red, and you may pass a few blood clots. These clots may be as large as a plum.
Brace yourself…the first period after giving birth is typically heavier than normal because there is extra blood in your uterine lining that needs to be shed. You may enjoy easier periods due to physical changes in the uterus and cervix, although some folks experience stronger cramps.
During the first four weeks postpartum, you will notice a pink-brown discharge called lochia. This is totally normal. Even though it might look like a period, it isn't—just the natural process of your uterus shedding blood, mucus, and tissue after birth. Just be sure to wear a pad and change it often.
The first period after C-section might last longer than usual because of the hormonal changes that the body has gone through. The bleeding can last for 10 days depending on the individual. If it doesn't stop even after 12 days, you must convey your condition to your gynaecologist.
The first period after a cesarean section can be very heavy
The first period after a cesarean section delivery can be substantial due to the surgical incision during the c- section procedure and the repair of the uterine wall.
Lochia is typically creamy white to red in colour, but it's not to be confused with your actual period. The main difference between lochia and your period is that lochia will be lighter and more watery. It may also have a sweet smell and, unlike your period, lochia's flow will increase when you exert yourself.
When a surgeon performs a c-section, endometrial tissue is cut and can move outside the uterus. Endometrial tissue can implant in the area of the surgical scar. The endometrial tissue then builds up along the scar, leading to painful adhesions that can affect a person's fertility or make periods more painful.
You should not use tampons until you've had your 6-week postnatal check. This is because you'll still have a wound where the placenta joined with the wall of your womb, and you may also have tears or cuts in or around your vagina.
You will have some vaginal bleeding (called lochia) for 2–6 weeks after the birth. Bleeding sometimes lasts longer than this, but it should have stopped by 12 weeks. This bleeding happens after vaginal and c-section births. It mainly comes from where the placenta was attached to the womb.
Lochia is the menstrual period-like discharge women experience after giving birth. It's made up of the mucous membrane lining the uterus during pregnancy, as well as red and white blood cells being shed. Women will experience bleeding after a vaginal birth as well as after a cesarean delivery.
There's usually no limit to the number of caesarean sections that you can have. But the more you have, the longer each operation will take, and the higher your risk of complications becomes (Biler et al 2017, RCOG 2016).
It is possible to mistake lochia for a period or to think a period is lochia. While both lochia and menstruation begin with bright red blood, lochia tends to get lighter in color as the days pass, while the blood from a period darkens over time.
For example, if you experience the following symptoms, reach out to your health care provider: Soaking through more than one pad or tampon per hour. Passing blood clots bigger than a quarter. Spotting between periods.
Brown blood is just blood that isn't fresh. When menstrual flow is very light, blood often takes a little longer to come out of the body, and thus turns brown before coming out of the vagina, this is completely normal! How much will I bleed during my first period?
Your first period should last anywhere from 2 to 7 days. It may be very light, with just a few spots of brownish blood. Or it may start and end more brownish, but be brighter red on heavier flow days.
Some women experience heavier, longer or more painful periods after having a baby. These changes may relate to a larger uterine cavity causing more endometrium (mucous lining the uterus) to shed.
After about a week, lochia is more watery and transitions to a pinkish brown color. The flow is lighter, and you may not fill pads as quickly. Finally, after about 10 to 14 days, lochia changes to a creamy, yellowish-white color.
The classic symptoms described for uterine rupture include acute onset abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, a non-reassuring fetal heart rate tracing, and a change in the contraction pattern on tocodynamometry.
Postpartum hemorrhage is more bleeding than normal after the birth of a baby. About 1 in 100 to 5 in 100 women have postpartum hemorrhage. It's more likely with a cesarean birth. It most often happens after the placenta is delivered, but it can also happen later.