Talk about his generosity, his thoughtfulness, or his bravery. Think about traits of his personality that are admirable or praiseworthy and give him credit for it. He'll love the recognition and you won't come off as creepy at all.
How do you compliment a guy without seeming desperate?
If you keep them subtle, you won't come off as desperate.
Compliment him about something other than his body: his nice smile, his fashion sense, or even his laugh. Even friends compliment each other, so an innocent comment won't come off too strong! You might say: “I love your hair, by the way.
You could mention how he looks, how he handles a situation, or how you feel about him. Just try to stay away from heavy-handed compliments if you don't mean them though; guys can see right through them. “I bet you're looking really handsome today 😘 just like every day!”
You can flirt with a guy from across the room by relying on friendly body language, like a coy smile or a playful hair flip. To flirt with him in person, light touching, playful teasing, and sincere compliments work well. Flirting via text can be done with compliments and invitations to hang out.
Plus, you'll call him hot, which will probably make him feel really good. You might also say: “You're the most handsome man I've ever dated.” “I just can't believe how handsome you are.”
Or, you might say, "There's just something really cool about you." You could also try, “Your happiness is contagious! People can't help but smile around you” or “You're such a people person. You can get along with anybody.”
Dreamy – having irresistible charm; gorgeous or handsome; out of the ordinary. Enjoyable – having a likeable presence; attractive; pleasant to be around. Gentleman – a male with very good manners; civilized; respectful. Joyful – full of happiness or delight.
Men love women who are thoughtful, caring, loving, and kind. A woman who does little things for her man for no other reason other than that she loves him.
Guys want to know you are interested in what they think. He feels respected when you care about how he thinks and feels. Then when you take the time to listen, it's even more powerful. He will feel deeply valued by you.
You can text sweet and romantic messages to your guy to melt his heart. For example, say, You are my whole world, You cannot imagine how much in love I am with you, I wish you were here and I would have hugged you so tightly, or I cannot control my heartbeat when I think of you.
You should convey the same level of emotion, interest, and curiosity through your text messages that you would if you were face-to-face with him. Many men appreciate a sense of humor, so don't be afraid to make him laugh.
What compliments to give a guy other than handsome?
You can call him cute, adorable, gorgeous, or hot. Compliment him on his appearance, like if he gets a haircut or a new jacket, give him lots of affection and say, for example “I love to get lost on your gorgeous blue eyes" but also compliment him on achievements or on who he is as well.
"Wondering what you would do if you were here..." "How great you looked in that shirt last night" "Just remembering that time we were in the hot tub..." "That I'd really like to be kissing you right now"