Gunn translated Groot's last word: “Dad.” Fans reacted in devastation to Gunn's confirmation. Gunn did not say who Groot was addressing in his final moments, but fans believe it was either his best friend Rocket or the log upon which he died. Either way, Groot's final line is a gut punch.
His last words were "We are Groot." There is significance to Groot's ability to say more than three words. Groot's progeny has appeared in multiple films since 2014, having been grown in a flowerpot from some broken-off pieces from the first movie's Groot. In 2017's "Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol.
Throughout the film, Groot's communication is limited to solely "I am Groot," and Rocket is the only one who understands him.
In the shocking final moments of Infinity War, no one was safe from the snap of the Infinity Gauntlet, and Nebula and Rocket were the only ones to be spared. In his final moments, Groot utters one last "I am Groot" to Rocket before fading away, and what it translates to makes the moment all the more heartbreaking.
He cannot say anything besides I Am Groot because Flora colossi have wooden larynxes (voice boxes), which prevents them from speaking properly. In the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
“I love you guys.” Before the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the only words MCU fans ever heard any Groot say were “I am Groot” and “We are Groot.” (The latter was used in countless trailers as a reminder of the original Groot's ultimate sacrificeOpens in new tab.)
Towards the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe sequel, Groot says, “I love you guys” — a departure from his usual dialogue of “I am Groot.” James Gunn has confirmed that this isn't actually Groot vocalizing the words “I love you guys,” but rather, the moment signifies that the audience has spent enough time with the ...
The mature form of Groot's species is robust and heavyweight, which causes the organs of acoustic generation to become stiff and inflexible. It is this nature of Groot's larynx that causes people, who are oblivious to the subtle nuances of Flora colossi speech, to misinterpret Groot as merely repeating his name.
Groot was the last of his kind once Ronan's army had erased the Flora colossus, however Groot was able to save the World Pod within himself, which he could use to recreate the Flora colossus race by planting it in the sacred pool. Groot used World Pod during the Guardians battle with Thanos, which rendered it useless.
The tree/humanoid hybrid alien Groot is one of the most popular parts of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. This despite the character never saying anything other than 'I am Groot', which is its specie's entire language spectrum.
There's also precedence within the MCU for Groot to swear. Gunn said in a now-deleted tweet that Baby Groot "drops about 50 f-bombs in Guardians 2." They can't be heard since Groot only says, "I am Groot," which is how the director was able to get away with so many uses of the F-word without the movie being rated R.
Groot's unusual name comes from the unique vocalizations that characterize Flora colossus. Their stiff vocal cords make everything they say sound like "I am Groot" to untrained, English-speaking ears. This explanation, however, came long after Groot's introduction.
As we all saw at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy when Groot heroically turns into a wooden roll cage and sacrifices himself for his fellow teammates, he can grow back from almost anything. So long as there's some good soil and a pot around, he is basically immortal.
In case you missed it, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has confirmed that yes, the original Groot is totally dead. Sorry. Though he's said this before, Gunn recently clarified in a tweet that Baby Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is Groot's son, not a baby version or a clone of Groot himself.
Meanwhile, Groot was around four years old during the events of the Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Then, in The Holiday Special and Vol. 3, he is around five to six years old. If you count the time he was snapped as lifespan, in that case, he is around 11 years old in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
Rocket saved a twig of Groot and planted the root, which resulted in the character we now know as Baby Groot. While it's been clear for some time that this isn't the same Groot, James Gunn reveals once again that Baby Groot is the original Groot's son.
Sorry, Guardians of the Galaxy fans, but James Gunn has confirmed that Groot really did die at the end of the first film. And despite all those theories about Baby Groot being the reincarnation of the original character, the answer is a lot simpler than that. Baby Groot is simply the son of Groot.
large [adjective] great in size, amount etc; not small. great [adjective] very large, larger etc than average. fat [adjective] large or abundant.
This new Groot is actually the biological son of the creature from the first movie. So when teen Groot calls Rocket dad, he's talking to the man who raised him—his adopted father. Great.
At first, it just seems like Rocket makes up whatever Groot intends with his words, but the truth is that Rocket really understands Groot's strange language. Because Rocket has spent more time with Groot than anyone else, he understands all the nuances of the words and the way Groot says them.
Thor revealed that he understood the angsty adolescent because he once took Groot's specific language as an elective on Asgard.
A Gizmodo feature posits that he no longer says "I Am Groot" because the past-era Gamora can finally understand Groot after being brought into the Guardians' inner circle. Having been along on the ride for so long we, the audience, can also understand what the tree-based Guardian is saying.
We get an emotional final hug between our original Guardians and, in a truly adorable moment, we hear Groot say, "I love you guys."
As The Groot Voice Actor, Vin Diesel Earned $13M Per Film
According to, Vin Diesel had to say those words thousands of times to try and capture the character of Groot in the recording.