sprog – Semen. Also old Australian term for an infant, as in, "The misses just gave birth to a little sprog", or "The buggar's got 3 young sprogs at home".
dinger (Australian slang) franger (Australian slang)
bloke – man or guy
A stereotype of a typical Australian man: loves beer, sport and barbies.
In Australia, a 'mate' is more than just a friend and is a term that implies a sense of shared experience, mutual respect and unconditional assistance.
The Australian National Dictionary explains that the Australian usages of mate derive from the British word 'mate' meaning 'a habitual companion, an associate, fellow, comrade; a fellow-worker or partner', and that in British English it is now only in working-class use.
Couch turf (pronounced 'cooch') is a popular warm-season grass variety in Australia, thanks to its high drought tolerance and soft underfoot. It's one of the toughest turf varieties, and it's used for playing surfaces in stadiums and golf courses.
It is short for lollipop. Now that all seems fairly straight-forward, until we learn that lolly is actually the Australian word for sweets – i.e. British lollies but without the sticks. In other words, the correct translation for “Süßigkeiten” in Australia is “lollies”.
5. Sheila = Girl. Yes, that is the Australian slang for girl.
Durry, a New Zealand or Australian slang term for cigarette.
As an exclamation, yeet broadly means "yes". But it can also be a greeting, or just an impassioned grunt, like a spoken dab.*
Aussie Word of the Week
Underdaks, also called underchunders or underdungers, is a colloquial name for your underpants. Daks are trousers, therefore underdaks must logically be underwear. Simple.
Australians have been using the word freely since its probable emergence in the late 19th century as a nickname for English immigrants, a short form of pomegranate, referring to their ruddy complexions.
Definition. In Australia, chips can refer to 'hot' chips; fried strips of potato. Chips also refer to what are known in other countries as crisps.
Australia. : toilet. especially : one outdoors : privy.
Adjective. exy (comparative more exy, superlative most exy) (Australia, colloquial, slang) Expensive. quotations ▼
enthusiastic cheering or applause, eg at a sporting event when the favoured team is winning. Heard on radio football commentaries originating in SA: And the crowd is going absolutely bunta!
The shoe known in Australia as a “thong” is one of the oldest styles of footwear in the world. Worn with small variations across Egypt, Rome, Greece, sub-Saharan Africa, India, China, Korea, Japan and some Latin American cultures, the shoe was designed to protect the sole while keeping the top of the foot cool.
The purpose of diminutives in Australian English is not well understood despite being a prominent part of Australian culture. Some research suggests that the use of diminutives serves to make interactions more informal, friendly and relaxed.
Before discussing their language, it's important to know what people from Australia and New Zealand call themselves and their countries. People from Australia call their homeland “Oz;” a phonetic abbreviation of the country's name, which also harkens to the magical land from L.
In Australia and New Zealand, they are also commonly known as trackpants, trackies, tracky daks or joggers.
The billy is an Australian term for a metal container used for boiling water, making tea or cooking over a fire. By the end of the 19th century the billy had become as natural, widespread and symbolic of bush life as the gum tree, the kangaroo and the wattle.
A female kangaroo is known as a 'flyer' or a 'doe' and a male kangaroo a 'buck' or a 'boomer' (hence the nickname of the Australian men's basketball team, the Boomers). They live in social groups called mobs.
Let's start with one of the most famous Australian slang phrases: 'No worries'. It's said to be the national motto of Australia. This expression means “do not worry about it”, or “it's all right”.
The term "mate" is essentially gender neutral in Australia.
This applies almost in all cases except perhaps if you're a male and bump into a woman who is 'generationally' older than you.