We love to include non perishable food items like trail mix, granola bars, cookies, chips, fruit snacks, water bottle/juice, etc. You can even decorate the bags or include a note of encouragement!
The Red Cross can help you look for suitable shelter. They also give meals to people with low incomes or housing problems. The Salvation Army helps people across Australia to find housing and support services.
In the colder months, homeless people need warm clothes and essentials more than ever. It's easy to put together a homeless kit for winter which, alongside the usual hygiene kit items such as soap, wetwipes and toothbrushes, can also include warm clothes and thermal items.
One of the most commonly requested items in homeless shelters is a pair of jeans. Why? Jeans are comfortable in any season and can be worn multiple times between washes. Plus, for a teenager without many belongings, wearing a pair of jeans can provide a sense of normalcy.
Stop, look at them and smile. Say something like, “I hope you have a good day” or “May God bless you”, a little positive affirmation can go a very long way in boosting their morale. Only a few minutes of a conversation can make a homeless person feel respected and acknowledged.
Having no permanent address is pretty much what defines homelessness. Most jobs require a permanent address from those they consider hiring, so not having one makes it more difficult to find a job.
Blessing Bags, also known as Necessity Bags or Care Kits, include a variety of items for people who are homeless, hungry, and in need of basic necessities. You can keep these bags in your car to offer when you see someone asking for help.
If you feel safe and comfortable doing so, you can donate directly to people on the streets or donate to a charity. The most needed items are: sunscreen, water bottle, nutrition bar, sunglasses, hat, hand held fan and sanitizing wet wipes.
People who are homeless have roughly the same life expectancy as a resident of the United States in 1910. Today, overall life expectancy in the U.S. is 78.7 years, according to the World Bank. “There are too many, too young, and they're preventable,” said Paul Lewis with the Multnomah County Health Department.