While earth and water signs are typically ideal matches for Virgo, air signs and fire signs might be more challenging. Virgo may find that their easier matches are with fellow earth signs, Capricorn and Taurus.
High Virgo Compatibility: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer. The list of star signs that can make a good match isn't short for Virgo. Because they're caring, they tend to be good partners for everyone. But there are a few signs they're most compatible with, which are Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.
They show their love through acts of service -- it comes from their heart and they don't expect anything in return. They understand how important the act of giving is to maintaining a happy and stable relationship. Your Virgo lover is also especially supportive when it comes to making improvements.
Virgo's potential life partner should be both realistic and idealistic. They should not be too cynical about life but should also be practical enough to understand that life comes with its share of hardships and struggles. Virgos while being perfectionists, also have an eye for detail and are also very creative.
Virgo. Virgos can be cautious when it comes to flirtation. You're naturally one of the sweetest zodiac signs, and your flirting style is all about flattering your crush, from complimenting their shoes to laughing at their jokes. You sometimes take the friendship road first rather than diving headfirst into a love story ...
Being the rational and practical sign of the lot, a Virgo tries his best to justify the feeling of jealousy and possessiveness but to no avail. Since they keep their emotions tucked beneath the surface, their possessiveness often comes out in the form of random anger outbursts.
Very seldom will a Virgo crush on someone, because of their critical analytical ways. A virgo will scan the person upside down, inside out and then probably let the spark within them arise. If they do feel the spark, then it's subtle.
Virgo chooses rare and distinct personalities when it comes to love and romance and hence, they are more attracted to Pisces. Both Pisces, and Virgo form a great pair in terms of romance and marriage.
Virgos are often slow to fall in love. Conservative by nature and cautious with their hearts to a certain point, they benefit from a more flirtatious aggressive partner to start things off. They appreciate a direct and tactful lover and give preference to honesty and openness rather than quirky flirting styles.
Weaknesses: Potential challenges for a Virgo are obsessiveness, self-critique, and perfectionism. Opposite Zodiac Sign to a Virgo: Pisces.
Virgo is a very sensual sign. They like touching their partner slowly to feel every inch of their body, in a slow and sensual way. One might even say, they love to tease!
4. VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) Virgos are extremely faithful because not only are they very practical, but the thought of getting caught cheating is so horrific to them that they'd never do it. Then there's the fact that Virgo is way too busy to have someone on the side.
The bottom line for dating a Virgo
They're great with details and will remember all your favorite things—and more importantly, show up when you need them most. And best of all, Virgo constantly works to improve themselves and solve problems, so you can trust that they'll grow alongside you as your relationship evolves.
Capricorns are ideal Virgo soulmates. They're quite similar to Virgos in a lot of ways. Most importantly, Capricorn people are ambitious, independent, and grounded. These are the traits that make them a perfect companion for the Virgo zodiac sign.
At the age of 27, when you'll also become more serious about life, you'll most likely meet your special someone. If you're a Virgo, you probably find it difficult to wrap your head around the idea of meeting your soul mate.
Their strong and bold personality is against sulking over a broken relationship or the everyday fights of a relationship. Virgos don't want to invest their precious time in anyone, therefore, prefer living single.
Virgos are great kissers because you're naturally sensual and incredibly thoughtful. Your kisses are practical and sincere. As an earth sign, you love to make your partner feel safe and secure in your arms during a make-out.
Worst Match: Virgo and Leo
As the fire sign of all fire signs, Leo does not make a good match for Virgo. Virgos like to keep a low profile, while Leos flourish in the spotlight and need non-stop attention.
Virgo doesn't commit to just anyone, and they like to know that a relationship serves a purpose and has the potential for a long-term future before they make their mind up. Once they are in a relationship, they will remember every single little detail about the person they're dating.
Virgos make the best lovers because they really do care. It might not seem like it, since Virgos tend to portray themselves as cool and aloof in social situations, but Virgos are actually one of the most caring signs of the zodiac.
If you're someone that's particularly successful in your field of work, your Virgo friends are undoubtedly green with envy. The biggest problem with Virgos is that they want everything around them to feel safe and secure, and they think that a good job is the ultimate way to guarantee this.
That also means Virgos are a rare find since they are selfless and focus more on their partner's needs. They will start kissing you slowly and smoothly and then later will increase the pace. It will in no time turn into a fully fledged, wild, hardcore and lip-biting kiss.
Virgos are normally very patient. They will usually let go of small things, and not get very angry easily. Only major things can trigger a Virgo. They could take some time to process their anger but when trust is lost with Virgos, you will have to work really hard to win it back.
Virgos are always striving for perfection. So the thing that makes them feel most insecure is the fear of being criticized. Because of that, they might end up becoming their own biggest critic.