9:00 a.m. — 0900 hrs. 10:00 a.m. — 1000 hrs. 11:00 a.m. — 1100 hrs. 12:00 p.m. — 1200 hrs.
0900 Hours in Military Time Is 9:00 AM in Regular Time.
9:00 PM = 2100 Hours using military time notation, 21:00 using a 24-Hour clock notation.
Just like a 12-hour digital clock, military time is displayed in four digits. The first two digits represent the hour and the last two digits represent the minutes. 0000 (pronounced “zero-hundred”) is midnight, and 1200 (pronounced “twelve-hundred”) is noon. Anything between 0001 and 1159 is basically “A.M.” time.
If the time is 1:00pm or greater, add 12 to the hours and that will get you the time in military time. For instance, 1:00pm + 12 = 1300hours, 2:00pm + 12 = 1400hrs and is pronounced 14 hundred hours. You add in the minutes the same as on the normal 12-hour clock. For instance, 12:25am = 0025hrs, or 4:57pm = 1657hrs.
So at 9:30, we would say it's “half past nine” (or half an hour after 9:00). Again, please remember that it's okay to say “It's 7:15”.
Similarly, when someone says it is 9 PM, it means that the time is 9 O'Clock in the evening. Hence, from 12 in the noon to 12 at midnight (precisely,11:59 PM), it is the night clock.
0945 Hours in Military Time Is 9:45 AM in Regular Time.
(In both the 12-hour clock and the 24-hour clock) The start of the tenth hour of the day; 9:00 a.m. (09:00).
Military Time 0900 is: 09:00 AM using 12-hour clock notation, 09:00 using 24-hour clock notation.
8:00 p.m. — 2000 hrs.
09:10 on a 24-hour clock is is 9:10 AM on a 12-hour clock. This system is used throughout the world (not just the military) and leverages a 24-hour time clock rather than the 12-hour AM/PM system known to most English speaking countries.
But 0:00 is midnight. And 12:00 is noon–or midnight. Okay, 0:01AM means something.
9:30 is the same as half past 9.
0920 Hours in Military Time Is 9:20 AM in Regular Time.
The military operates at all hours of the day and night, so it uses a 24-hour clock, commonly referred to as military time, to avoid confusion between a.m. and p.m. hours. This method of time-keeping can be traced back to the Navy during World War I as all allied armies began using it starting with the United Kingdom.
Times from 1000-2300 with minutes, such as 1345 (1:45 pm) is spoken “thirteen-forty five”.
Explanation: If the 12 hour time is in the "PM", we just add 12 hours and remove the "PM" to convert into military time. Here we have 6 PM, So we will add 12 hours to the hours section i.e., 6 + 12 = 18 and we get the military time of 1800 hours or 18:00 hours.
For any time prior to 10:00 AM, simply add a zero before the hour. For example: nine o'clock in the morning would be spoken as "zero nine hundred" and written as 0900. 10:00 AM would be 1000, "ten hundred" and so on. For any time after 12:00 PM (noon), simply add twelve to the time.
0015 Hours in Military Time Is 12:15 AM in Regular Time.