Legend has it that, if you can blow all the seeds off a dandelion with a single breath, then the person you love will love you back. If seeds remain, then the object of your affection may have reservations about their feelings toward you.
With their golden flowers in the early spring, dandelions represent the return of life, the rebirth of growth and green after a harsh winter, and a display of abundant strength and power.
While it is not mentioned directly in the Bible, Dandelions have become a modern symbol of endurance and perseverance for Christians as well. Many pastors give sermons encouraging their church members to multiply and be cheerful and visible like Dandelions popping up in a solid green lawn.
We see the dandelion as symbolising the ability to rise above life's challenges. People with ADHD can overcome obstacles through the use of their intelligence and connections with people who can share mutual support in facing life's challenges.
Like so many familiar wild plants, the dandelion has a rich traditional history, most of it propitious. Country folk loved those golden mops of spring as harbingers of the months of warmth. Dandelions spoke of childhood and hope and were woven into spring wedding bouquets to bring good luck.
Dandelion makes the only flower representing three celestial bodies during different phases of its life cycle – sun, moon, stars. The yellow flower of the plant resembles the sun, the dispersing seeds of the plant resemble stars, and the puff ball of dandelion plant resembles the moon.
When these little yellow flowers start popping up on your front lawn, consider it to be an omen of good luck. That is because Dandelion belongs to the planet Jupiter which is the planet of wealth. If you have a lot of dandelions around your yard, it can mean that you have money coming to you.
Flowers that symbolize sadness are: Lilies, Purple Hyacinth, Sowbread, Periwinkle, Mum (Chrysanthemum), Zinnia, Carnations, Forget-Me-Not, and Cyclamens.
Hyacinth: The purple hyacinth is a popular symbol of sorrow and regret. For a funeral setting, this expression is certainly appropriate.
People use passion flower for anxiety, including anxiety before surgery. Some people also take passion flower for insomnia, stress, ADHD, pain, and many other conditions.
These tattoo designs can also represent resilience and rebirth. Whether they're a golden yellow or a fluffy white, dandelions are undoubtedly a flower rich in symbolism. Some represent purity and innocence, recalling our childhood memories, and others symbolize the desire to move on from the past.
Dandelions have a great significance in many cultures across the world. The plant is believed to be a symbol of hope, growth and healing. The noticeable seed head of the plant has more value than the yellow flower.
REMEMBER?? If you rub a dandelion under your chin and your skin turns yellow, you like butter -- at least according to an old wives tale found in cultures worldwide. Blow away the dandelion seeds and you can tell the future by counting how many seeds are left, according to other superstitions.
Ecologically they are becoming very important as a food source for domestic and wild species of bees, particularly in early spring because they grow so soon.
You can see in the photos above and the video below, that there is a layer of air around the dandelion which protects it from the water. This is because each of the dandelion seeds is attached to a pappus, which is a parachute-like structure made of around 100 fine bristles, and this structure is mostly air (92% air!).
Dandelions can become a problem because they are quick to flower and produce masses of windborne seeds. And the long tap root of dandelions is able to regrow from a fragment if not completely removed.
The Flannel Flower, an Australian native, has been chosen as the national symbol to promote mental health awareness in Australia. The Australian bush has an inherent beauty and strength. It is also known for its extremes of weather and landscape.
Jasmine. Jasmine is not just a beautiful bloom, it is also one of the preferred flowers for mental health preservation.
Tulip (yellow) - Hopeless love. Violet - Faithfulness.
White and yellow chrysanthemums are widely used to say goodbye, particularly in Asia.
1. Lotus Flower. Jahnavi Harrison explains how the lotus is a plant that, for those educated in an eastern spiritual context, evokes layers of meaning and narrative.