You've probably noticed that some babies are born totally bald while others have a full head of hair. Experts aren't entirely sure why this happens, but they think genes and DNA may play a role.
Your infant may be born with peach fuzz on her body, a full head of hair, or no hair at all. Heartburn during pregnancy, goes the old wives' tale, is a sure sign of a hairy baby.
The hair follicles on your baby's scalp form a pattern that will remain for life. And new follicles don't form after birth, so babies are born with all the hair follicles they'll ever have. By 22 weeks, hair is visible on your baby's head – and may grow like a weed or only slightly by the end of pregnancy.
Up until the age of six months, the “first hairs” grow and then fall out, following a drop in hormones that's completely normal after birth. So, unless your baby has a really annoying tuft of hair, wait until your child's first birthday.
The shaving off the hair is considered to be a gesture of purification from the previous yonis and freedom from the past. Some also believe that shaving off head helps in stimulating proper growth of the nerves and brain. Mundan also helps in keeping the baby's head cool during the hot weather.
When we casually observe via our eyes, we may feel that we have inherited most of our hair features from either our mom or dad. However, the reality is that we inherit equal volume of genetic information from both mom and dad.
The genetic link
23andMe looks at 26 places in your DNA that influence how much hair you had at birth. There are other factors that may influence hair growth as well. Newborns with darker complexions often have more hair than babies with lighter skin, suggesting that genetics probably also plays a role.
Beginning at 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy, the cells that will later produce melanin – the substance that accounts for skin color – first appear in your baby's skin. The more melanin that's produced (a process that's regulated by genes), the darker your baby's skin, eyes, and hair will usually be.
As more melanin develops, the eyes can darken to green, hazel, or brown. Predicting when your child's eyes will stop changing color can vary. “The range of time when a baby will develop their 'true' eye color varies, but it usually happens between six and nine months of age,” Dr. Zepeda says.
The cause of natal teeth is unknown. But they may be more likely to occur in children with certain health problems that affect growth. This includes Sotos syndrome. The condition can also be linked to chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld syndrome), pachyonychia congenita, and Hallermann-Streiff syndrome.
After massaging the baby, make a paste of red masoor dal and baby cream. Apply it to the hairy areas and give a gentle massage once again. Soak raisin in milk and make a paste out of it. Massage it gently to your baby's body for body hair removal.
At birth, the skin of the normal newborn is reddish-purple in color and turns bright red when the baby cries. (During the first few days of life, the skin gradually loses this redness.) In addition, the newborn's hands and feet may be cool and blue. By the third day, he may also appear slightly yellow.
Newborns can see contrast between black and white shapes. The first primary color they are able to distinguish is red. This happens in the first few weeks of life. Babies can start to notice differences in shades of colors, particularly between red and green, between 3 and 4 months old.
Most babies move to a head-down position in the uterus toward the end, with the head on the mother's pubic bone. The lungs are the last major organ to finish developing. When fully mature, they produce a chemical that affects the hormones in your body.
Body hair. That soft peach fuzz covering your new baby's back, shoulders, arms and feet may be shocking, but it's also normal. Officially known as lanugo, it is the first hair made by the body and it plays a vital role in protecting the baby's skin and regulating her body temperature in the womb.
Consuming eggs during pregnancy is a must. This promotes good health and hair growth in the unborn baby. You can eat eggs as your daily breakfast meal or at night. Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 and fatty acids that are known to improve hair growth.
One popular myth is that hair loss in men is passed down from the mother's side of the family while hair loss in women is passed down from the father's side; however, the truth is that the genes for hair loss and hair loss itself are actually passed down from both sides of the family.
A condition is considered Y-linked if the altered gene that causes the disorder is located on the Y chromosome, one of the two sex chromosomes in each of a male's cells. Because only males have a Y chromosome, in Y-linked inheritance, a variant can only be passed from father to son.
We inherit a set of 23 chromosomes from our mothers and another set of 23 from our fathers. One of those pairs are the chromosomes that determine the biological sex of a child – girls have an XX pair and boys have an XY pair, with very rare exceptions in certain disorders.
The seven-day haircut is a religious obligation, part of the child's 'initiation' into Muslim life, says Shaykh Abdool Rahman Khan, resident scholar at the Islamic Foundation of Villa Park. The general idea is that shaving the baby's head-removing the hair grown in the womb-cleanses the body at the beginning of life.
It's not only in Hinduism that a baby's first haircut holds a special place. The Chinese shave the infant's head in the first month. Traditional Muslim families wait a mere few weeks, while Jewish families hold out until the child is three.
Infact, in a lot of Asian cultures, it is mandatory to shave the head of the baby after a particular age in order to promote hair growth (mostly within the few years of birth). In Hindu culture, this process is known as 'mundan.
In the first few months, babies demonstrate a keen interest in the primary colours of red, green and blue, which is why they prefer pictures and toys in these colours.