Back rubs are a sign of compassion and support and it may not necessarily be romantic. If a woman rubs your back and keeps a slight distance, it means she is trying to support and be there for you.
Small touches and gestures can be a good sign that a woman likes you. If she playfully pats your arm or rubs against you while you are sitting down, it could mean she wants to be closer to you. She also might want to hug you or be open to an invitation to be hugged.
Put your hands around her waist from behind.
Touch her gently so you don't startle her. If you two get really comfortable she might even let you slide your hand down a little lower. Once she's comfortable with you putting your hands on her waist, grab her and swing her around. Then, she'll be facing you.
She's Comfortable With Touching
By touch I mean, if she's placing her hand on your shoulders while talking to you, that's definitely a sign of her flirting with you. Sometimes women also touch themselves unknowingly (no, not what you're thinking!), to calm their excitement.
If she lets you take her hand or touch her on the arm or shoulder or back, there's a pretty good chance she likes you. Girls aren't in the business of letting people touch them for no reason. Pay attention to how she moves around you and consider it a sign that she is into you.
She will touch you
You will know when it is a friendly touch and when the touch lingers on for an extra second. If she touches your arm, neck or your face, she is telling you that she wants to touch you more intimately. She might even touch herself to draw your attention to her body.
She laughs at everything you say.
Even though your jokes might be infamously corny, she'll still find them funny when she wants you to know she's interested. If she's engaging in conversations with smiles, giggles and playful banter, there's a good chance she's attracted to you!
Smiling at the other person, playing with your hair, and maintaining eye contact are great ways to flirt without physically touching them. If you do want to show your affection through a touch, try sitting close to them and giving a light touch on the arm or hand to start.
Back rubs are a sign of compassion and support and it may not necessarily be romantic. If a woman rubs your back and keeps a slight distance, it means she is trying to support and be there for you.
This affectionate gesture signifies that your guy cares deeply about you. "The back is a very vulnerable part of the body," Wood says. "You can't see your back, so being touched there can be startling." Softly rubbing you on such an exposed zone shows that he wants to nurture and protect you.
Rubbing someone's back is an intimate behavior. The guy could be one of two: First case, he likes you and looking for reaction from you.
If her attention is primarily on anything other than you, and if she doesn't seem excited to be spending time with you, that's the number-one universal sign that you're not her #1 choice. If she: Is constantly checking her phone. Acts like there's somewhere else she needs or wants to be.
This one is probably a no-brainer; when someone is attracted to you, they want to touch you. Touch releases the bonding hormone oxytocin. So, it is an instinctive way of trying to strengthen your connection. Like touch, eye contact triggers the release of oxytocin.
Spontaneous Touches
You might notice that they casually touch your arm, shoulder, or hand during conversations. If a person makes the conscious effort to engage contact with you, even casually, they may be flirting or attempting to get you to notice that they are interested in being more than just friends.
If someone smiles a lot when they look at you and connects eye contact with smiling, it is usually because they find you attractive. They might also make fun of you and tease you, or try to make you laugh. If someone's into you, you make them nervous. Their heart will beat rapidly from being around you.