1) As a measure of computer processor storage and real and virtual memory, a megabyte (abbreviated MB) is 2 to the 20th power bytes, or 1,048,576 bytes in decimal notation.
What does MB mean? Kids often use “MB” to stand for “my bad.” For example, they might say “I totally forgot your birthday was this week…
In conclusion, the slang term MB (mainly short for My Bad) has become popular in various contexts. As we have seen, it can mean "megabyte" in a technological setting, "mind blown" on social media, and "my bad" in casual conversation.
On Snapchat, MB usually stands for 'My Bad. ' This expression is used to either apologize to someone or to simply admit that you have made a mistake.
This acronym is mostly used online and in text messaging to represent the phrase “my bad.” This phrase is used when you are admitting that you were wrong or incorrect about something. Origin of MB.
written abbreviation for megabyte: a unit used in measuring the amount of information a computer can store, with the value 1,048,576 bytes.
1 megabyte equals 1024 KBs or 1,048,576 Bytes (a million bytes/1,000,000 bytes) and so on.
Those who are apologizing or taking the blame for something may use MB to stand for "my bad." Saying "my bad" is the same as saying "oops, that's my fault." "My bad" and MB are most often used by Americans, though the phrase and its abbreviation have become more popular in other English-speaking countries over time.
If titled in English, they are named Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; or Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery; usually abbreviated as MB BS, and sometimes as BM BS, even though most MB BS-awarding institutions do not use Latin to name their degrees.
What does "MB" mean in VALORANT? The term "mb" stands for "maybe". It's used when player give estimated information about the location of the enemy (mb site or haven).
Megabits (Mb) and megabytes (MB) may sound identical, but they don't mean the same thing. The thing to pay attention to is the letter case. There's a consensus that Megabits (Mb) are used for measuring download or upload speeds of internet connection, while Megabytes (MB) refer to data sizes for files and hard drives.
What Is a “MegaByte” Or MB? Megabyte is a unit of measurement for data storage that equals approximately 1 million bytes. Since ancient times, the prefix mega, which derives from the Greek word “megas”, which means “great”. This word has been used for many thousands of years to denote extremely huge numbers.
NOMB means "none of my business"
Sometimes the file size will display in KB (kilobytes), rather than MB (megabytes).
According to Chron, Cyber Definitions, and Urban Dictionary, the term MB can refer to either the internet slang term “my bad,” or the computing term megabyte. My bad is used when someone has made a mistake and they are expressing the mistake to another person.
Currently, all courses in Australia that qualify a graduate to undertake a medical internship are either a Bachelor of Medicine (BMed) or a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MB BS).
A megabyte is one million bytes of data.
Every app has a megabyte size which determines the amount of storage it requires in order to run on on users' devices. As storage space is limited, it's important that an app offers a reasonable file size to the user.
On average, FaceTime uses just over 3MB of data per minute*, which adds up to about 200MB per hour. So if you do the math (or if we do), that means you can FaceTime for about 20 hours with 4 GB of data. But we know FaceTime isn't the only thing you're doing with your data.
MB (plural MBs) (China, slang) moneyboy.
Abbreviation for megabyte. See also : tera- NetLingo Classification: Technical Terms.
Data is measured in megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB); these are metric units, so there's 1,000 MB in 1 GB.