Medusa is portrayed in most tattoo art as a “symbol used to protect and defend against dangerous elements” and “to ward off evil with one evil image after another. But for others, her reptilian skin and hair may also symbolize the cycle of life.
Today, survivors of sexual assault use tattoos of Medusa to fight back against the narrative that victims should be shamed, blamed or punished for their assault. Medusa and her story have been reclaimed as a symbol of strength and power, with her image also being used as a mark of protection against evils.
The most common reason people on TikTok are getting the mythic figure inked to their bodies is to invert the narrative that women should be punished in the wake of being sexually abused. In other words, Medusa has become a symbol of strength and survival for sexual assault victims.
The most common interpretation of Medusa suggests she is an apotropaic symbol used to protect from and ward off the negative, much like the modern evil eye. She represents a dangerous threat meant to deter other dangerous threats, an image of evil to repel evil.
Medusa was a beautiful woman who was raped, killed and beheaded by various gods. However even in the face of tragedy and disgrace, the Medusa was portrayed as meaningful. Following the moment her head was removed, a Pegasus flew out of her body, representing the birth of beauty.
Medusa was raped by Poseidon, but instead of being defended by her patron goddess, Athena, she was punished for being raped. This makes Medusa a victim.
The Medusa we know was raped by Poseidon in the goddess Athena's temple. Athena then punished her for desecrating her sacred space by cursing Medusa with a head full of snakes and a gaze that turns men to stone. Then, a heroic Perseus severed the serpent-headed Medusa, turning her into a trophy.
The beauty of a medusa tattoo is that it looks awesome just about anywhere on the body. You could go big with a large medusa tattoo on your back or arm, or choose a more discreet placement like the inside of your wrist or ankle.
While a seemingly straightforward tale, Medusa's story explores female dynamics, female power against patriarchal forces, and the ultimate defense against the male gaze. Medusa was the emblem of female power back in Ancient Greece and a symbol of both protection and aggression.
In modern culture, Medusa is seen as a powerful symbol of female intelligence and wisdom, related to the goddess Metis, who was a wife of Zeus. The snake-like head is a symbol of her cunning, a perversion of the matrifocal ancient goddess who the Greeks must destroy.
In general, however, Medusa tattoos are a symbol of survival, often from sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape. For some, the significance of Medusa is simply meant to ward off evil and negativity in general.
It represents death and reincarnation. Snakes shed their skin and thus become a symbol of rebirth.
For those who dont know , the medusa tattoo symbolizes people who have survived SA. I fely a bit devastated that she had gone through something so terrible because I love her. I asked "Can I ask the story behind your tattoo?
The ink on Harley marks her permanent obsession with the Joker. The tattoo heart on her face hints that Harley values love.
A paradigm of natural beauty, the butterfly is a long-standing symbol that represents faith, transformation, and freedom. Traditionally, the butterfly has also been closely connected to femininity and romantic love, which is why butterfly tattoo designs are so popular.
When Medusa had an affair with the sea god Poseidon, Athena punished her. She turned Medusa into a hideous hag, making her hair into writhing snakes and her skin was turned a greenish hue. Anyone who locked gaze with Medusa was turned into stone.
It shows Medusa holding the head of Perseus in one hand and a sword in the other to symbolise that she is empowered.
The unique location of this piercing makes for a bold statement, but some people like to complement it with other facial piercings to achieve a fiercer look. It's different from the Monroe piercing since it's placed either on the left side or the right side of your upper lip. The medusa is located right at the center.
The Medusa Piercing Process
It is imperative that it is pierced straight and in the center. If the piercing is done at a curve or it is moved to the right or left, it's going to look out of place and will be more difficult to heal.
However, the sea god Poseidon desired Medusa and so he raped her in the temple. In other versions, Medusa was a willing participant who took part in an illicit love affair with the sea god. Either way, her vow was broken.
Medusa was so beautiful that many men lusted for her but as a priestess, she remained a virgin and dedicated to Athena. Poseidon became intrigued by Medusa's beauty and broke into Athena's temple and raped her. Athena was enraged by this and turned Medusa into a Gorgon instead of helping her.
Medusa and Poseidon engaged in a love affair and would have two children together, but not before Athena discovered the illicit affair. When Athena discovered the affair, she was enraged and immediately cursed Medusa by taking away her beauty.