not safe for work; not suitable for work.
NSFW stands for “not safe for work” or “not suitable for work”. You may have already seen this term on social media before.
NSFW is an acronym typically used to describe online content that can be anything from nudity to graphic violence. This internet slang stands for "Not safe for work." This label is applied often in social media posts, emails, and websites.
Mostly, it refers to sexually explicit material. In the context of this article, it refers to tumblr blogs that have both explicit and non-explicit textual, image, and selfie content. The researched bloggers themselves use the NSFW label.
Kids Definition
gnaw. verb. ˈnȯ : to bite or chew with the teeth. especially : to wear away by repeated biting or nibbling.
What NSFW means. NSFW stands for "not safe for work." The acronym is a common warning for internet content considered to be inappropriate for viewing at work or in public.
A note for the Urban Dictionary uninitiated: “NSFW” is an acronym for “not safe for work.” It refers to inappropriate content you would never want your boss or co-workers to catch you looking at on your work computer.
NSFW=Not Safe For Work.
The abbreviation NSFW is often used as a warning label in an email subject line or social media post when sharing a link to potentially inappropriate content.
One aspect of Reddit worth to be analyzed involves NSFW (Not Safe For Work) posts. This term refers to user-submitted content not suitable to be viewed in public or in professional contexts.
If you want to "rizz" someone, you want to flirt with or charm them. "Rizz" was popularized by live streamer and YouTuber Kai Cenat, who used the term around 2021, according to It is also believed "rizz" derives from the word "charisma," or "a special magnetic charm or appeal."
NFS could be an abbreviation for “network file system”—computer networking or file sharing between computers on networks.
Not Safe For Viewing. Sexual Content. Explicit Content. Content Warning.
This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks.
NSFW stands for Not Safe For Work. NSFW is an internet slang initialism that alerts the recipient that the content of the digital communication is not suitable to be viewed in a work environment.
Showing up late, cooking stinky food, making too much noise, and talking about touchy subjects are all behaviors that are considered NSFW (Not Suitable For Work), according to a new Workplace Do's and Don'ts Study.
m is the standard abbreviation for metre (or meter) in the International System of Units (SI). However, m is also used as an abbreviation for mile. M is used as the unit abbreviation for molarity. With money amounts, m or M can mean one million: For example, $5m is five million dollars.
It means by the way. Layken. English Tutor.
"Zero" is the most common definition for Z on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Z. Definition: Zero.
Short for safe for work, SFW describes a web page, picture, video, or other content that is appropriate to view in a formal setting, such as a workplace. The opposite of SFW is NSFW (not safe for work).
Urban Dictionary defined "NSFW" (short for "Not Safe for Work") back in 2003, before the shorthand peaked in 2015 when it was added to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary.
not safe (or suitable) for work.
SFS stands for “snap for snap,” “shoutout for shoutout” or “spam for spam.”
"Not So Fast" is the most common definition for NSF on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. NSF. Definition: Not So Fast.
It would be used in a conversation if someone is joking with you and you want to be taken seriously. The term makes it clear to the other person that you're trying to make a significant point. It's also used when expressing a true statement. Article continues after ad. NFS can also stand for 'No Funny Stuff.