Sussy means 'suspicious' or 'shifty' imposters sus and baka which means 'fool' in Japanese.
“Sussy baka” means “suspicious fool“. The first word “sussy” comes from the English word “suspicious” and is a made-up term that originated from the video game “Among Us“. “Baka” is a real Japanese word (馬鹿, バカ) meaning “idiot” or “fool“.
“Sussy baka” is another phrase for someone acting foolish or aloof. The term is a combination of “sus” (meaning “suspicious”) and “baka” (Japanese for “fool”). The slang phrase is often used ironically or facetiously, to poke fun at the absurdity of the phrase itself.
It means suspicious fool. It's origins are from a video game but is a combination of Britain and Japanese and kids on tik tok are saying it. Baka in Japanese means fool and sussy is short for suspicious.
Well, it's a strange one. “Sussy” and “sus” are words used in the videogame Among Us to describe someone shifty or suspicious, whilst baka means “fool” in Japanese. So to be a sussy baka is to be a suspicious fool, presumably – although it appears that the meme has taken this meaning and ran with it a little.
Now, when TikTok user @akeamfrancis2 combined the two words in his livestream, turning “sus” into “sussy,” the phrase essentially blew up all over the platform, garnering millions of views.
What are you, stupid? Baka is a Japanese word that means “crazy,” “foolish,” or downright “stupid.” It can also be used as a noun for “a fool” or “a crazy or stupid person.” Anime and manga fans in the West have adopted the use of baka as a (usually joking) insult.
Amogusphobia is the irrational fear of Among Us memes, such as Amogus, sus, sussy baka and When the imposter is sus!.
? — May indicate sexual activity, especially oral sex.
“'Simp' is slang for a person (typically a man) who is desperate for the attention and affection of someone else (typically a woman),” said Connor Howlett, 23, a digital strategist for Turner PR in New York City, in an email to CNN.
It turns out that baka is a Japanese word for “fool” or “idiot,” according to the TikToker @areshimo. Luckily, @areshimo schooled his followers on the origins of the word — and did so with some very beautiful Japanese calligraphy.
いい (ii) means “good” and 天気 (tenki) means weather. So you can change いい to whatever word fits the day, but this is the common greeting.
Learn Japanese vocabulary: 少ない 【すくない】(sukunai) Meaning: few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom.
The short answer: Baka (馬鹿 or ばか) is a Japanese swear or curse word meaning idiot, jackass, dumbass, or unthinking fool. (Excuse our language, please!) That said, baka's meaning is highly contextual, as our resident Japanese expert explains: “Baka (馬鹿) means a fool or an idiot, and used as an insult.
The oldest written usage of baka is in Taiheiki (a Japanese historical epic said to have been written by Kojima Houshi in the 1370s).
It literally means you're an idiot or dum so you might be a baddie just Stupid So just keep running around calling yourselves that and I'll be sitting back laughing at how dumb you all really are with stupid trends????????? 0.
sussy adjective
Brit Suspicious; suspected. 1965–.
Noun. baka. a cow; an adult female of the species Bos taurus that has calved. any member of the species Bos taurus regardless of sex or age, including bulls and calves. beef; the meat from a cow, bull, or other bovine.
You kinda smell, like a Baka.. Eren Yeager!
"Idiot…!!" (馬鹿…!!, Baka…!!, Viz: Fool…!!) is chapter 237 of the original Naruto manga.
The verb is aisuru (愛する), to love. And to say I love you in Japanese, you would say aishiteru (愛してる). Aishiteru is a gender-neutral term. So, to say I love you to a man, you'd say aishiteru yo, and to a woman, aishiteru wa.
(informal) Suspicious quotations ▼
The phrase "Sussy Baka" in among us is a combination of the words "sussy," which means suspicious in the video game Among Us, and "baka," a Japanese term for "fool." It is used to describe someone who is behaving in a suspicious or foolish manner and is often used in a playful or lighthearted manner.