According to the study, 27 percent of males chose the blonde photo of the woman to be the most attractive, while 23 precent of women similarly preferred the blonde hair. Red hair was deemed least attractive by both groups, however.
A Tukey test was applied to this data showing that all three hair colors differed significantly from each other. Brunette was clearly the hair color perceived as most attractive, with blonde as the second most attractive, and red as the least attractive.
When broken down by gender, men ranked gray, blue, and green eyes as the most attractive, while women said they were most attracted to green, hazel, and gray eyes. Despite brown eyes ranking at the bottom of our perceived attraction scale, approximately 79% of the world's population sports melanin-rich brown eyes.
The group of 110 male participants were presented with computer-generated images of women with either blonde, brunette or black hair. The study found that the majority of the men would generally associate the women with lighter hair as being more youthful and attractive in comparison to the women with darker hair.
Caramel, honey, gold, copper, and strawberry give a healthy brightness that makes us look and feel younger. (Framing your face with lighter shades draws the eye away from any complexion concerns, as well.)
On a totally superficial level, we know that hair color matters to guys and girls alike. Some people gravitate toward brunettes while some dudes vow to only date blondes. Does hair color matter? We asked guys what they think of your locks — and if they have a preference to one color over another.
Blue eyes are crowned the sexiest among men and women
According to our research, blue is the sexiest eye colour, as the majority of the world's sexiest people, both male and female, have blue eyes.
We found that green is the most popular lens colour, with brown coming in a close second, despite it being one of the most common eye colours. Although blue and hazel are seen as the most attractive eye colours for men and women they are surprisingly the least popular.
Numerous studies point to brunette hair being more attractive. Take this 2011 study from dating app Badoo, for example. A couple of thousand UK men were polled and 33.1% of them revealed they found brunettes more attractive than blondes.
Caucasian blondes are usually slightly higher in oestrogen than brunettes and are likely to exhibit other infantile sexually selected traits (indicating low levels of testosterone) that are considered desirable by males, for example finer facial features, smaller nose, smaller jaw, pointed chin, narrow shoulders, ...
The results revealed that, compared to women with dark hair, men found light-haired ladies more attractive overall, but more specifically, perceived them as younger and healthier. However, there is one downfall of blondes, apparently — they were also seen as more promiscuous, which is generally not a good thing.
First and foremost, ICY, PLATINUM, GREY OR SILVER is certainly the most difficult hair colour to achieve. This is the most difficult tricky colour on any level. This applies to platinum, icy and white as well as any silvers, greys, or dark slate grey.
Almond eyes are considered the most ideal eye shape because you can pretty much pull off any eyeshadow look. And believe me, this is a huge plus! Almond eyes have an oval shape with a slightly upturned outer corner.
A general observation across experiments was that straight hair was perceived as younger, healthier, and more attractive than wavy hair and darker shades (medium copper and brown) were perceived more positively than blonde hair.
People with brunette hair are the most attractive.
By presenting pictures of the same woman with different dye hair colors, the researchers found that out of the population analyzed, 67 percent of men preferred the woman with brunette hair and 71 percent of women chose the man with brunette hair.
According to hair magazine Private Label, men are often physically attracted to women for a multitude of reasons, including hair. According to the publication, most men enjoy the Afro-puffed and silky naturally relaxed hair. Apparently, this showcases the true beauty of a woman, and men love and appreciate it.
Which hair colour do women think is the sexiest? Most women think brunette hair is the sexiest, as 25% of those polled favoured this option. Womens' second preference is blonde, which was voted as the sexiest hair colour by 19.6% of women. Again, red took third spot, accounting for 11.8% of womens' votes.
' Basically, as your skin tone lightens with age, so should your hair colour. 'When you first notice white hairs, ask your hairdresser to blend them, and eventually you'll move to a lighter natural colour' explains Ashleigh.
Going too dark with your color creates the illusion of more fine lines and wrinkles, says Michael Dueñas, celebrity hairstylist and founder of Hair Room Service. Also, if you have gray hair, you can make the line of demarcation more apparent when your hair starts to grow in.
Scientists have revealed that wearing the colour red will make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Studies reveal that red is the most attractive colour to both men and women but, curiously, the two genders are attracted to the same colour for different reasons.