However, any bite or scratch given by a werewolf will leave lasting scars, whether or not he or she was in a wolf's form at the time of the attack.
It set the rules for how werewolves are supposed to behave. According to "The Wolf Man," if a werewolf bites you, you have no choice but to become a werewolf yourself. At night, you'll transform into a part-human, part-wolf creature and prey on human beings.
A vampire's death by a werewolf bite is very slow and painful, which is why many who are bitten are ultimately "mercy-killed" before they reach that point. Werewolf bites cannot kill an Original Vampire, as Elijah Mikaelson mentioned to Elena Gilbert when they were talking about how to kill Klaus Mikaelson.
A werewolf first transformation is always extremely painful and slow; lasting over five hours and it is almost like torture. After the first change, the transformations become faster overtime but are always intensily painful.
Current-day werewolf fiction almost exclusively involves lycanthropy being either a hereditary condition or being transmitted like an infectious disease by the bite of another werewolf.
Scratches don't always transmit the disease, even when blood is drawn. A bite will always result in a victim becoming a werewolf, however most people die from the injuries of the attack before that can occur. Lycanthropy cannot be passed onto offspring through birth.
Triggers. Most werewolves have a trigger that makes them transform. For example, if a werewolf is in human form and it gets too hyper, it will transform. Other triggers are: getting too angry, getting hurt, getting too much adrenaline, or to protect something or someone, and even fire.
It is said that humans can be turned into werewolves by having been bitten by another werewolf. Getting scratched is a questionable way of becoming a werewolf, but most don't believe in it. However, both of these only work if the werewolf in question is in wolf form.
The effects are unknown if a werewolf bites a human, while some lore states that werewolves can spread their curse to humans with their bite this has never been addressed on the show as no werewolves have ever bitten a human during the series.
Max, Nick and Laura are the only protagonists who always get infected and turn into werewolves. Emma, Dylan, and Jacob are the only protagonists who can get infected and able to turn into werewolves. Abigail, Ryan, and Kaitlyn are the only protagonists who can get infected, but never turn into werewolves.
We all know vampires are extremely strong and fast, but werewolves are faster and stronger and they have the advantage of being pack hunters - so rarely hunt alone. To their credit, vampires are extremely agile and this would give them the edge to be able to dodge paintballs travelling at 100mph.
Diet and blood-thirst
Like normal vampires, defective vampires must drink blood to maintain their vitality and survive. However, defective vampires can feed on not just human blood but also werewolf blood; probably due to how their mutation is directly caused by werewolf-blood contamination.
To become a werewolf, it is necessary to be bitten by a werewolf in their wolfish form at the time of the full moon. When the werewolf's saliva mingles with the victim's blood, contamination will occur.
The curse decreed that the werewolves would only be able to turn into a werewolf on a full moon, and that the vampires would be weakened by the sun, which made the werewolves "servants of the moon" and the vampires "slaves to the sun." Since the curse was fabricated by Niklaus, it could be assumed that werewolves have ...
Life Expectancy
The Average Werewolf lives around 1700 years, to 2100 years. The Oldest recorded Werewolf was 2327 years old.
If werewolves and humans breed, the werewolf gene can sometimes transfer to the unborn child, but it is rare. This can be dangerous if the female is human. If the child does get the werewolf gene, then her pregnancy will be the 3 month gestation (like a werewolf's), which can harm both the mother and the baby.
Lycanthropes cannot innately harm other lycanthropes. But there are other means. Manufactured weapons aside, all lycanthropes can suffer damage from environmental hazards. Those, such as falling off a ledge or having something fall on top of you, don't count as weapons so they bypass the damage immunities.
Folk tales, stories, and myths from around the world have different methods by which werewolves exist or are created: through heredity, via a curse, from magic, or by being bitten by another who suffers from the affliction.
Werewolves have been depicted in different ways throughout history. In ancient Arcadian legends, human beings transform fully into, and associate with, wolves. In other traditions, particularly Hollywood horror films, werewolves are humanoid, often featuring a canine head, claws, and a fur-covered human body.
In fact, a lot of individual vampire lore has roots in mythology and a lot of individual werewolf lore also has its roots in mythology, but popular lore and mythology doesn't suggest any type of rivalry between the two originating within mythology.
Werewolves in folklore have never in any way been weak to water, be it running water or holy water or what have you. Werewolves in legend, in fact, were sometimes seen as associated with water. Just ask the Arcadians and their werewolf rituals that involved swimming a body of water to come out the other side as a wolf.
Relax your werewolf by ever strocking its neck or kissing its ears. If that may not work go on all 4 to act part of his pack.
Superhuman Strength: The original werewolves possesses superhuman strength, enabling them to lift (or press) about 2 tons in human form. While in their intermediate form, they are able to lift about 4 tons. Their more wolf-like form is somewhat more powerful and they are capable of lifting 7 ton.
What are werewolves scared of? First - we all know that silver is poisonous to werewolves, and they do their best to avoid silver in any form. Silver items, bullets , arrowheads etc are a sure fire way to kill a werewolf in animalistic form , upon death they revert back to their human form.