Your followers are likely to see your content no matter the hashtags, but it will be hard for new people to discover you if you're not using some of the trending hashtags on TikTok.
Compared to other posts, hashtagged posts had a 2x higher engagement rate. On their Discover page, users are more likely to see posts containing hashtags than other ones. There is no substitute for using hashtags in your TikTok postings if you want to increase brand exposure and sales.
Hashtags are very important for any social media platform and TikTok is no exception. Hashtags help your content get more visibility and also help users find the content they're looking for. Anyone looking for content on a specific topic or area of interest can simply use a relevant hashtag to discover such content.
Do hashtags work on TikTok? They certainly do! Just like on Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms, hashtags help users share and find content and join conversations about topics that interest them. TikTok users can build communities around hashtags, too.
There are a lot of creators that are posting videos without any hashtags. Right now, the organic reach for videos are so good that it isn't as important since TikTok is still a relatively new social media platform. But once it reaches a larger community of creators, then it will definitely matter.
Low engagement happens when users do not like or share your video and can cause TikTok to stop showing those videos as it is seen as unpopular content. Shadowban is a light ban on content creators when they violate minor terms of service, and that can be anything related to sharing sensitive content.
An easy way to tell if the reason your video is not getting any views is copyright infringement issues is to view the video yourself and see if TikTok counts it as one view. If the view count is still zero, then your post has definitely been blocked.
You can use #fyp and #ForYou, but there's no guarantee this will work. Hashtags relevant to your content and niche provide a better chance of success with your TikTok marketing and will help you attract the right followers.
Also, don't use too many hashtags, as this can make your video look spammy. Use them wisely, and you will witness a massive spike in your views. The more views you get, the more likely to be featured on TikTok's explore page and reach a wider audience.
Like any other social media platform, hashtags have an exceptional advantage in growing your TikTok. The right hashtags will increase engagement rates and make your TikTok content more discoverable. This will give you a better edge over your fellow creators and make your content stand out within the audience.
If your TikTok video has no views after an hour…
TikTok has to make sure videos are within their community guidelines. They tend to pick up on TikTok videos that may contain inappropriate content and will hold them back to keep their audiences safe. “But my video is totally within their guidelines!” we hear you say.
How often you post can also affect how your content is distributed on the platform (TikTok recommends posting 1-4 times per day). To find a posting schedule that will please both the TikTok algorithm and your fans, keep a close eye on your performance until you find a frequency that works.
The For You page, aka “FYP,” is the first page you land on when you open the TikTok app. It's a curated feed of videos from creators you might not follow, but TikTok's algorithm thinks you will like them based on your interests and past interactions.
Liking your own videos probably will not work. At the end of the day, people like content because they enjoy it, and that is not going to change if you artificially inflate the number of likes you have.
Videos that get between 1000–3000 views mean you have a mid-tier account. Videos that get 10,000+ views mean you have a “head” account. Viewing completion. This is one of the most important factors.
Delete Offensive Content
You should delete content that goes against the rules and community guidelines laid down by TikTok. After deleting inappropriate content, you have to wait for at least two weeks to get the shadowban lifted.
Reasons Your TikToks Might Not Be on the FYP
The fewer views your video gets, the less likely it is that TikTok's algorithm will favor your content. To land on the FYP, brands must use tactics to improve how they appear in the algorithm.
To check if you've been shadowbanned on TikTok, look at your pageviews and “For You” page statistics. You can also use a hashtag in a post, then search for that hashtag. If your post shows up under that hashtag then you aren't shadowbanned.
As mentioned earlier, continuously posting and sharing content against TikTok's community guidelines is harmful to your account. Beyond getting shadowbans, you can also get permanently banned.
If, out of nowhere, you see a drastic drop in engagement on your content, it's possible you've been shadow banned in some way. If this happens, you may find your videos might not show up on aggregated feeds (like TikTok's For You page) as often, or you can't find them when you search for them using a hashtag.