Overall, the healthiest type of honey is raw, unprocessed honey, as there are no additives or preservatives. This article was medically reviewed by Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD, nutrition and wellness expert with a private practice based in New York City.
The best option is to buy certified organic and unfiltered honey for maximum nutritional benefits. But if you can't find the organic certification, just be sure to avoid commercial honey products that have artificial sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup as this is not the healthiest choice.
If you have the choice between raw honey vs regular honey, raw honey is a better choice for health, taste, bees and the environment. Organic Honey: Organic honey is produced from the pollen of organically grown plants, and without chemical miticides to treat the bees.
Research seems to conclude that the minerals and antioxidants found in honey have a positive correlation, meaning darker honey has higher amounts of both. Minerals found in honey come from the environment and soil, and then into the plants that bees pollinate.
In fact, raw honey has been used in traditional medicine for years for a variety of health and medical purposes. Unlike most of the honey found on grocery store shelves, which is pasteurized by treating it with heat, raw honey is unpasteurized and retains potent natural compounds that provide health benefits.
Manuka honey is worth the cost if you're looking for the health benefits that have made it famous. With its high levels of antibacterial, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, manuka honey is used in foods, skincare, and medicine throughout the world.
Honey contains vital nutrients
Honey is a brown, sticky, sugar-saturated solution made by bees. Health benefits of eating a spoonful of honey everyday include diabetes management, cancer management, better heart health, and other benefits.
Manuka Honey is full of B vitamins – click here to shop: Omega 3 encourages blood flow throughout the brain and is essential for its function and continued growth.
Today, manuka honey is widely regarded as one of the best types of honey available thanks to its high methylglyoxal (MGO) content, five active fractions, and healing properties. It treats various health conditions associated with wound healing, sore throats, and digestive issues.
Dabur Organic Honey is 100% compliant with all testing parameters mandated by FSSAI for purity guarantee .
1. Manuka. Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand. It is harvested from the blooms of Manuka trees that grow abundantly there.
Dabur Honey is World's No. 1 Honey brand that is 100% pure and natural, entirely sourced from Indigenous beekeepers.
Manuka honey is a specific variety of honey sourced from the flowers of the Manuka tree, found in a remote New Zealand island and Australia. Although all raw honeys (unheated) have numerous health benefits, Manuka honey has been found to have higher therapeutic and anti-microbial properties than alternative varieties.
Kanuka honey has even been hailed as the “new super honey” due to its healing qualities. It shows particularly promising results as a topical treatment for skin disorders. Some scientists claim that some Kanuka honey has even higher levels of MGO than Manuka honey.
It is safe for people to consume both raw and regular honey, though it is a good idea to avoid types of honey that contain added sugars. Both raw and regular honey may contain tiny amounts of a bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum.
Eating honey before exercise allows for a slow and steady release of energy into the blood and stops the body from dipping into glycogen stores in the muscles for energy, meaning you can keep fatigue at bay longer. So, put raw manuka honey in your fitness arsenal.
Honey contains trace minerals including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. Manuka honey is renowned for having four times the content of these minerals versus other flower honeys.
Honey is still a form of sugar and intake should be moderate. The American Heart Association recommends that women get no more than 100 calories a day from added sugars; men no more than 150 calories a day. This is a little over two tablespoons for women and three tablespoons for men.
Honey helps your brain release melatonin, the hormone that your body uses to restore itself during sleep. This happens through a series of transformations in your brain: honey's sugars spike your insulin levels, releasing tryptophan, which becomes serotonin, which becomes melatonin.
Honey boosts your metabolism, which is essential for weight loss. Honey is an excellent antioxidant, which means its regular consumption will cleanse your body of various toxins. In addition, its antibacterial properties will considerably improve the condition of your skin.
Possible Side Effects of Manuka Honey
Allergic reaction, especially in people who are allergic to bees. A rise in blood sugar if large quantities are consumed. Effects on certain chemotherapy drugs and interactions with various other medicines.
Even better news is you can utilize Manuka Honey, even on a budget! While you can definitely get many benefits from incorporating it into recipes, for general immune support it's recommended that you take 2-3 teaspoons per day.