From 110, there are two different ways you can say a number. The pattern stays the same: 一百一(十) (yìbǎi yī (shí)) – “one hundred and ten (110)” 一百三(十) (yìbǎi sān (shí)) – “one hundred and thirty (130)”
Colloquially, you can say “一百二 (yībǎièr)” for “120” instead of “一百二十 (yībǎièrshí)” and “一百三(yībǎisān)” for “130.” However, “103” is read “一百零三 (yībǎilíngsān).”
Emergency Numbers
110, 120 and 119 are free calls. 110 may be used for all emergencies. It is the first number to call.
Counting from 100 to 999 in Chinese
Let's have a closer look at a few examples: 115 一百一十五 : yī (1) + bǎi + yī (1) + shí + wǔ (5) = yī bǎi yī shí wǔ
520 is not the only way to communicate in Mandarin, you can also take note of another expression 5201314! 520 means love, whereas 1314 represents 一生一世 yīshēng yīshì (for a lifetime). So, if you say 5201314, you are saying “I love you for a lifetime”. 520 Chinese Internet Valentine's Day.
百 (baak3) is equivalent to “hundred” in English. If you want to express “two-hundred,” “three-hundred,” and so on, just add the Cantonese equivalent of the first digit in front of 百 (baak3).
The only exception is 100, which is hyaku / ひゃく, made up of hya / ひゃ and ku / く.
Zero (零): [líng]Ling with an upward inflection. One (一): [yī] Ee with a long “e” sound.
shí kuài qián = shí kuài = 10 dollars.
Or, more correctly, yi wan. Amber: So yi wan is 10000.
Watts are defined as 1 Watt = 1 Joule per second (1W = 1 J/s) which means that 1 kW = 1000 J/s. A Watt is the amount of energy (in Joules) that an electrical device (such as a light) is burning per second that it's running.
But it's always good to equip yourself with some of these greetings: Hello – Nei hou (你好) Thank you – Mm goy / Doh jeh (唔該/ 多謝)
"I Love You" (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning) is the most common definition for 831 on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
0087 - let me love you. 0227 - i wanna rest.
777 - "666 but better," 777 is a play on the numeronym '666' that gamers put in the chat after seeing another show an even more impressive skill. 7451 or 7456 – "I'm angry." 7451 (pinyin: qīsìwǔyī) or 7456 (pinyin: qīsìwǔliù) represents 气死我了 (pinyin: qìsǐwǒle) lit.: I'm furious.
886 / 爸爸六 (bā bā liù) — Goodbye.
5201314 means 'I love you forever. The first numbers--5, 2, 0 are pronounced as 'Wǔ'èr líng'. The sound of 'Wǔ'èr líng' is very similar to the Mandarin word 'Wǒ ài nǐ' which means 'I love you'.
"You and I Will Be Together for More Than One Lifetime" is the most common definition for 0594184 on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. 0594184. Definition: You and I Will Be Together for More Than One Lifetime.