145 to 159: Highly gifted. 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted. 180 and up: Profoundly gifted.
That's about one in every 250 people. But one leading researcher in the 1940s suggested that a genius should have an IQ over 180. That's about one in every 2 million people.
Bobby Fischer was alleged to have an IQ of 180
Fischer is credited with having an incredible memory and took the Stanford-Binet IQ test at his high school, in Brooklyn where, according to chess.com, he scored 180.
Best known for developing the theory of relativity, he is amongst the top most geniuses the world has recognized. Einstein never took an IQ score test. However, based on his historical records, academics have estimated his score to be around 160.
Elon's IQ is estimated to be around 155, while Albert Einstein's is 160. With such a slight margin, Musk is undoubtedly an incredibly smart person. Who is the smartest person on earth in 2022? Born in 1975 in Adelaide, Australia is a mathematician, Terence Tao with an IQ score of 230.
There are several successful entrepreneurs who are known for their high IQ scores, such as: Jeff Bezos: The founder of Amazon, Bezos has an IQ estimated to be around 145. Mark Zuckerberg: The co-founder of Facebook, Zuckerberg has an IQ estimated to be around 152.
Da Vinci, famed painter and theorist, is estimated to have had IQ scores ranging from 180 to 220, according to parade.com.
Adragon De Mello (IQ Score: 400)
Adragon De Mello came to the limelight in 1988 when he became the first person in American history to become a college graduate at 11 (he studied computational mathematics).
Born in Moscow in 1976, Nadia Camukova was estimated to have an IQ of 200. The Brain Research Institute located in Moscow reported later on that she had the highest IQ in the world. She can speak seven languages and eight Turkish dialects. Currently, she's a professor at Bahçeşehir University in Turkey.
Let's move on to Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher who actually has an IQ of 160 meaning that he falls into the exceptionally gifted category.
Classification of IQ scores
A score of 135 to 144 indicates that the person being tested is extremely talented. Most thinkers fall within this category. Those with a 145-154 score would be considered geniuses at the collegiate level. A person with a 155-164 IQ score is on par with Nobel Prize winners.
Can IQ change with age? Yes. However, there is heavy debate over exactly how IQ and intelligence change with age. Studies have demonstrated that a person's fluid intelligence tends to decrease starting in their late 20s, while their crystallized intelligence tends to increase as they grow older.
According to professionals, the Mensa IQ test is fairly accurate in finding your IQ. However, you may have some differences between taking the practice test online and the real test. This is because when you take the practice test, you are at home in your environment without the pressure of the real thing.
But genetics can explain the wide range of possible IQs too because so many different genes are involved in developing and running a brain. It is possible, for example, to inherit all the higher IQ genes from each parent and leave the lower IQ ones behind. Now the child will be brighter than the parent.
According to some acclaimed websites, she is said to have an IQ of 160. As a matter of fact, she is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest singer ever to sign at age 11.
"Steve Jobs likely had an IQ roughly 160 or above. In Walter Isaacson's biography, near the end of 4th grade, Jobs was tested. Jobs said: 'I scored at the high school sophomore level. ' This means he was a 4th grader performing at the 10th grade level.
Marilyn vos Savant: 228
Born in 1946 in St. Louis, Missouri, Savant was listed as the person with the highest IQ by Guinness World Records.
One of the most celebrated and influential scientists of all time, Newton had an estimated IQ of 193. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica was the foundational text of classical mechanics and influenced scientific thought for over 300 hundred years.
In general, an IQ score is defined with a median and mean of 100. Scores above 130 are labeled as above average or “very superior,” while scores under 70 would be considered below average or labeled as “borderline impaired.” Most people have an average IQ between 85 and 115.
Born in Boston in 1898, William James Sidis made the headlines in the early 20th century as a child prodigy with an amazing intellect. His IQ was estimated to be 50 to 100 points higher than Albert Einstein's. He could read the New York Times before he was 2.
There are different ways to measure IQ, but they all rely on similar principles, which means it's possible to increase your IQ with study and training. Improving your IQ can help you to improve your problem-solving and lateral thinking skills, which can be useful in many careers.
It is said that Buffet himself apparently has an IQ over 150 (160 is considered a genius), the influential investor doesn't believe it's the sole reason for his success.