What is the Longest Word with no Vowels? Not including plurals, there is only one seven-letter word which has none of the five vowels. That word is nymphly, which is a rare variation of 'nymphlike'.
Shh, psst, and hmm do not have vowels, either vowel symbols or vowel sounds.
There are a few seven-letter words in the dictionary that have all five vowels — eulogia, miaoued, suoidea, etc. — but the only one that could be considered common is “sequoia,” the name for a tree that grows in the Sierra Nevada.
Most English words have vowels, but there are a few that don't contain the letters A, E, I, O, or U. In fact, there are over 120 words without vowels in the English language.
Scrabble Words With No Vowels That Use "Y"
Try using short-lettered words like "By," "Cry," and "Dry." If that doesn't do the trick, consider longer words like "Glyph," "Psych," and "Rhythm."
Those with seven consecutive consonants include cyttyns (sits), schylds (children), schynds (Orcadian inquests), schyrche (church), schyyds (shides), and thryssce (thrush); all of these are in the OED.
There are 7 'short' vowel sounds, although children are usually only introduced to the 5 which are most commonly heard in simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words: /a,(æ)/ in cat, /e,(e)/ in peg, /i,(I)/ in pin, /o,(ɒ)/ in hot, /u,(ʌ)/ in bus.
Arteriosus – a blood vessel in the developing fetus connecting the trunk of the pulmonary artery to the proximal descending aorta.
Twyndyllyngs, at 12 letters long, is the longest word in the English language without any of the five main vowels.
EUNOIA is the shortest word in English which has all five vowels.
A consonant is a speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds: Z, B, T, G, and H are all consonants. Consonants are all the non-vowel sounds, or their corresponding letters: A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y are not consonants.
HIRSCHSPRUNG'S (DISEASE) has seven consecutive consonants, as does SCHTSCHUROWSKIA. The shortest such word is TSKTSKS. All of these words can be found in major English dictionaries.
As we are adding up letters, we have now come to: The Hardest Working SEVEN-Letter Word... "SUCCESS" - Achieve it.
Some not so common 7 letter words with no repeating letters are schmalz, sjambok, isozyme, futzing, fjordic, futhorc, chintzy, chutzpa, cazique, etc.
Unlike consonants, every word needs at least one vowel. There are a small number of exceptions, which we explain below, but in general, this is the rule. In fact, the shortest words in the English language are one letter, and they're both vowels: the article a and the pronoun I.
These are “words” you can't usually use in a word game unless you can find them in the dictionary you're using: byrls, chynd, cwtch, FHLMC, grrls, grypt, gwynn, gymps, gynny, gyppy, hwyls, kydst, kynds, PDFLP, SHDSL, skyrs, synds, syphs, TYMPs, Wynns.
The Wordle answer on March 27, 2022, was “nymph.” Needless to say, that word really threw a lot of people for a loop, which is why they turned to our Wordle solver for help.