What does ? Crying Face emoji mean? Feeling down and out? You'll likely reach for the crying face emoji, which features a single tear rolling down a sad, mildly agonized face. This emoji is used not only to express one's own emotional state, but to empathize with others.
x. The Loudly Crying Face emoji ? shows a wide-mouthed, crying emoji, with a river of tears raining down from his closed eyes. It is also called the Bawling, Crying, and Sobbing emoji.
The Pleading Face emoji ? depicts a yellow face with large puppy-dog eyes and a small frown. It is meant to represent the typical face one makes when pleading, that is, trying to win their compassion or sympathy.
? — Oral sex. ? — Ejaculation. ? — Erection. ? — May indicate sexual activity, especially oral sex.
What does the ? Loudly Crying Face emoji mean? The loudly crying face emoji shows a smiley that is crying uncontrollably—it just can't handle it and is losing its cool. This could be due to sadness and frustration … but also laughter and joy.
? Sad but Relieved Face
Also known as Disappointed but Relieved Face, suggesting the smiley is upset but is grateful things didn't turn out worse. Commonly conveys mild degrees of frustration and sadness.
Emoji Meaning
Intended to depict nerves or discomfort but commonly used to express a close call, as if saying Whew! and wiping sweat from the forehead.
? Downcast Face with Sweat
Meaning widely varies, but commonly conveys a moderate degree of sadness, pain, frustration, or disappointment, similar to ? Crying Face and ? Sad But Relieved Face.
?? Face Exhaling emoji
The emoji is used to represent feelings of exhaustion, smoking, and exhaling a big sigh.
The majority of people agree that it means 'shy'. As if you were twiddling your fingers together, nervously. The emojis can often be paired with the emoji too, for extra nervous vibes. The emoji sequence can be used if you're about to ask someone a soft, yet risky question, or if you're just feeling hella shy.
A girl might also use “uwu” to convey bashfulness.
Among uwu's many uses, some girls also use it to express shyness or a cute sort of sheepishness. This is often accompanied by the “??” emojis, which convey a pleading or demure meekness.
As its fuzzy, cleft appearance looks like a plump rear end, the peach emoji quickly came to stand for buttocks on social media and in text messages, especially a woman's in sexual contexts.
It's used to communicate a range of feelings, including smugness, self-confidence, self-indulgence, mischief, cheeky humor, and general satisfaction. ? Smirking Face especially implies, however, flirtation and sexual innuendo.
What does ? Vulcan Salute emoji mean? Live long and prosper, friends! If you ever need to spread the love to your geekier friends, then flash a ?. The Vulcan salute emoji, ?, is perfect for showing your Star Trek cred or sci-fi pride more generally.
? Weary Face emoji
The weary face emoji, ?, cries out: “I can't handle this!” It marks content dealing with a very wide range of overwhelmed feelings, from genuine exhaustion to ironic self-pity to being overjoyed. Related words: ? face with tears of joy emoji.
Emoji Meaning
While intended to represent tiredness, it commonly conveys various degrees and tones of frustration and sadness as well excitement and affection, as if it just can't handle how great someone or something is. Similar in appearance and meaning to ? Weary Face, but with scrunched eyes.
What does ? Face Vomiting emoji mean? Ugh, nasty! That's the sentiment (and appearance) of the face with open mouth vomiting emoji, used to express literal and metaphorical disgust.
Adding this emoji to a text indicates you are flirting or sending a suggestive message. On social media it can also mean you are feeling smug and self-satisfied because you just did something baller.
❤️? Heart on Fire emoji
It can be used to represent passionate love (“burning love”) or intense liking of something.
??? means you're shocked or stunned, like your eyes went wide and jaw fell open. It's the perfect catch-all emotion for these trying times.
The ? (vomit) emoji is usually a reaction to something gross, ugly, or repulsive. It essentially means, "That's nasty!" or "I'm so disgusted by this." The ? (vomit) emoji can also indicate a physical illness like feeling queasy, vomiting, or being hungover.
What does Red Heart emoji ❤️ mean? The red heart emoji is used in warm emotional contexts. It can be used to express gratitude, love, happiness, hope, or even flirtatiousness.
For many girls, sending a <3 is a way of saying, “I like you as more than a friend.” Maybe she's crushing on you and finally has the courage to say how she feels, or she's your girlfriend sending a quick “I love you” text.
:3 is an emoticon which represents a coy smile. The emoticon :3 is used in texting and online chat to indicate a coy smile.
hollow red circle ⭕
Thus, this emoji is often used to show affirmation. Aside from that, this emoji can also be used to refer to the number zero. In relation to this, people also send this emoji to note the emptiness or nothingness of something.