Blood type B people are outgoing, take leadership, fun to talk with, and do things at their own pace. Easy going and hardly get depressed for thinking too much about something. Even when they are troubled by someone or things won't turn out as they planned, they would often say just “oh, well”.
Why is B positive blood important? B positive is an important blood type for treating people with sickle cell disorder and thalassaemia who need regular transfusions. These conditions affect South Asian and Black communities where B positive blood is more common.
Overview. According to popular belief, people with type A blood are friendly and kind, people with type B are spontaneous and creative, and people with type O are confident and aggressive. In a logical extension of this system, those with type AB are a mix of stereotypical A and B traits.
Female: Like their male counterparts, type B women are independent and enjoy being wild, free, and spontaneous, making them some of the most fun people to be around. They are also known for their propensity to speak their mind, regardless of how their words might affect others.
Of the eight main blood types, people with Type O have the lowest risk for heart attacks and blood clots in the legs and lungs. This may be because people with other blood types have higher levels of certain clotting factors, which are proteins that cause blood to coagulate (solidify).
About 9% of the population have B positive blood. B positive red blood cells can be given to both B positive and AB positive patients.
Brain Function and Memory Loss
The ABO gene is connected with brain function and memory loss. People who have blood types A, B, and AB are up to 82 percent more likely to develop cognition and memory problems — which can lead to dementia — compared to those with Type O.
Only 9% of the blood donor population has B-positive blood. Americans of Asian descent and African Americans are the most likely to have type B blood, according to the ADRP.
If you have type B blood, you can only receive type B or type O blood. You cannot receive type A or type AB blood. If you have type AB blood, you can receive all blood types.
People with blood type B are prone to life style diseases but they can lead a healthy life with variety of food.
Famous Type B personalities: Leonardo DiCaprio, Paul McCartney or Jack Nicholson.
A+: 35.7% A-: 6.3% B+: 8.5% B-: 1.5%
Type B blood: Avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Chicken is also problematic, D'Adamo says. He encourages eating green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy.
Only type B had inconsistent effects between intubation and death—type B increased risk of intubation and decreased risk of death compared to type O. We also found consistent evidence for protective associations between Rh negative blood groups and SARS-CoV-2 infection, intubation, death.
People with A, B or AB blood may be at greater risk of diabetes than those with type O blood. In one study, people with B+ blood were at 35% increased risk of developing diabetes, followed by AB+ at 26% increased risk, A- at 22%, and A+ at 17%.
Those with type B blood should pick a diverse diet including meat, fruit, dairy, seafood, and grains. To lose weight, type B individuals should choose green vegetables, eggs, liver, and licorice tea but avoid chicken, corn, peanuts, and wheat.
Blood Group: B
Consume: Green vegetables, eggs, low-fat dairy, oats, milk products, animal protein, oat bran, paneer, eggs, fish, oat meal and quinoa. Avoid: Corn, buckwheat, tomatoes, peanuts, sesame seeds, wheat, chicken, fish and eggs.
From these findings, the authors concluded that blood group B might be associated with exceptional longevity. The association of ABO blood type with health and longevity should not be surprising.
AB is the least common blood type, found in about 4 percent of the U.S. population. The study found that people with AB blood were 82 percent more likely to develop the thinking and memory problems that can lead to dementia than people with other blood types.
Zaidi et al. reported a positive association between T2DM and the ABO blood group system; T2DM and the ABO blood group system are interrelated on a genetic immunologic basis; however, the study inferred that the individuals with blood groups type B and A have a higher frequency of T2DM [14].
Blood groups in Australia
O negative - 9% A positive - 31% A negative - 7% B positive - 8%
The B antigen in red blood, also known as the B blood type, likely originated in Asia. While it is the rarest of the ABO blood alleles, it is most common in Central Asia and Northern India.