having an attractive, well-proportioned, and imposing appearance suggestive of health and strength; good-looking: a handsome man;a handsome woman. having pleasing proportions, relationships, or arrangements, as of shapes, forms, or colors; attractive: a handsome house;a handsome interior.
Research from Penn State indicates that men with symmetrical faces are often considered more attractive than those with asymmetrical faces. A defined jawline and prominent cheekbones are also attractive features that can give some men a more chiseled or defined look.
Handsome is usually used to describe a man or boy who is good-looking, with strong regular features. It can also be used to describe a woman, usually an older woman, who has attractive but masculine features. Good-looking can be used to describe anyone who you think is nice to look at.
Still others have found that a mixture of mature features (large lower jaw, prominent cheekbones, and thick eyebrows) and neotenous features (large eyes and small nose) is the most desirable configuration of male faces (Cunningham, Barbee, & Pike, 1990).
8 Facial Features That Make a Face Look Attractive
Big, alert eyes, a small, proportional nose, perky cheeks, a well-defined jawline, or full lips usually grab people's attention and strike them as beautiful.
Most guys like "cute" if it's sincere or they think you like them. Men enjoy compliments on their looks and personality as much as women, even if they don't show it. If a guy is trying hard to impress you, he'll be extra weak in the knees when you call him cute because he'll feel like he's winning you over.
Yes. Just like a woman who hears someone say she is pretty, a guy likes to be told he is handsome or good looking. It makes them feel good, makes their day. Even at times they may not mean it but are just being friendly.
As long as you're doing it with no intention of upsetting any possible partners, and just being friendly, then all is good, my friend. Don't over think it, and do it. You never know when some one could really use a compliment, you can make their day with a few words!
While men seem to be genetically predisposed to be attracted to women in their mid-to-late-20s, women tend to be attracted to men around their ages, if not older; this means men in their 30s have the best of both worlds. Men in their 30s are attractive to a wide range of women, from 20-somethings to women in their 40s.
Many women adore men who are confident and self-assured yet humble and grateful for the people around them. But a man who is cocky and shows no appreciation for the people or circumstances that helped him along the way to where he is now might not attract the attention of very many women.
In a date-based scenario, experiments have shown that women are more attractive to men who are non-judgemental, observant, and respectful. When you make judgemental remarks or spiteful remarks on the first date, well, the chance that they would even pick your call after is very slim.
We think it's best to do it after sexy times. If you kiss him, caress his hair, and look into his eyes while calling him handsome… Let's say the reaction is completely worth it. It can also help if he isn't particularly vulnerable emotionally because he will feel as if he can tell you anything.
It means that you are a man, you are good looking, attractive, well proportioned. She appreciates how you look.
Sweet Responses
"Thanks - that's nice of you to say." "I appreciate you saying that." "That's nice to hear." "That's very sweet."
For the most part, men appreciate it. Men are rarely complimented for their looks, unless they are especially good-looking, we tend to get a little boost of self-confidence when someone says we're handsome. It's a nice feeling. Even compliments from strangers are nice.
Answer. Yes, you can use the adjective handsome for women. While handsome is more often used for men, women can also be called handsome. When a woman is described as handsome, it suggests that she is very good-looking, and also healthy and strong.
“You're the hottest guy I've ever known.”
Plus, you'll call him hot, which will probably make him feel really good. You might also say: “You're the most handsome man I've ever dated.” “I just can't believe how handsome you are.”
Guys in the real world like it when you make the first move. I know because I asked. “I've always found myself attracted to women who are friendly enough to strike up conversation and confident enough to express interest,” says Miles Davis, a restaurateur in Washington.
Guys flirt with girls they like. He might ask you for your number, then call you the next day. He may act playful, wink, and flash a smile at you. If most of your conversations feel flirty, then odds are that he likes you as more than just a friend.
For male faces, researchers have found that a square jawline and an oval-shaped face were the most attractive. This is especially true if they were paired with blue eyes, medium-thick eyebrows, brown hair, average lips, straight eyebrows and a straight, slim nose.
But what is considered an unattractive facial feature? Facial hair, double chins, uneven facial skin tone, and so on are all considered rather unattractive facial features that both men and women suffer from. However, not everything is lost, though.
A handsome man is a good-looking man. Beautiful, gorgeous, and pretty are usually the female equivalents of handsome. Hot usually refers to one's body and sex appeal. Someone who spends a lot of time a week at the gym might be referred to as hot.