In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, the distortion problem is to determine by how much one can distort the unit sphere in a given Banach space using an equivalent norm.
distortion, in acoustics and electronics, any change in a signal that alters the basic waveform or the relationship between various frequency components; it is usually a degradation of the signal. Straight amplification or attenuation without alteration of the waveform is not usually considered to be distortion.
Distortion occurs when the transfer function F is more complicated than this. If F is a linear function, for instance a filter whose gain and/or delay varies with frequency, the signal suffers linear distortion.
The term distortion indicates a trauma to the joints, typically due to improper movements that cause momentary escape of the joint from its seat bone and its immediate return. Most often affected areas include the ankle, finger and knee joints.
In mathematics, the distortion is a measure of the amount by which a function from the Euclidean plane to itself distorts circles to ellipses. If the distortion of a function is equal to one, then it is conformal; if the distortion is bounded and the function is a homeomorphism, then it is quasiconformal.
“I feel so foolish when I stutter, therefore I am foolish.” Someone feels that there are rules about how they and others should behave. “I should always be able to talk fluently on the phone and when I read.” Someone describes a mistake or overgeneralizes in an emotional way.
mentally or morally twisted, as with an aberration or bias: He has a distorted sense of values.
Cognitive distortions are internal mental filters or biases that increase our misery, fuel our anxiety, and make us feel bad about ourselves. Our brains are continually processing lots of information. To deal with this, our brains seek shortcuts to cut down our mental burden.
To distort a message means to put it out of shape. A distortion is a sort of linguistic abnormality or anomaly that departs or deviates from the proper meaning of a sign. Intentional distortion alters the perception of a message, thus allowing pre-designed and purposive misrepresentations of a communicated sign. 114.
There are four main types of distortion that come from map projections: distance, direction, shape and area.
Distortion can happen if you record too loud or too quiet, use the wrong microphone or input, or have a faulty cable or connection. To avoid distortion, you should use a suitable microphone for your source, adjust the gain or level to avoid clipping or noise, and monitor your input with headphones.
If the distortion is coming from occasional peaking, consider using a compressor. Compressors are software that reduces the dynamic range of the audio, which is the range between the softest and loudest recorded parts. This results in a cleaner sound with less clips.
- Distortion effects create warm and dirty sounds by compressing the peaks of an input signal, which results in added overtones or harmonics. Distortion has been integral to rock music for decades. It's also found its way into all kinds of electronic music as well.
Psychologists use the term “cognitive distortions” to describe irrational, inflated thoughts or beliefs that distort a person's perception of reality, usually in a negative way. Cognitive distortions are common but can be hard to recognize if you don't know what to look for. Many occur as automatic thoughts.
Distortion refers to change or deformation of an audio signal's waveform. The most common type of change is called clipping. This happens when the signal level goes above the maximum a system can handle. It's called clipping because the tops of the waveforms get chopped off abruptly at the maximum.
Physical: other people talking loudly, illegible handwriting, "pop-up's" on the internet. Physiological: hearing impairment, visual impairment, articulatory problems.
Fundamental Aspects of Digital Communications
The distinct types of distortion are linear distortion, nonlinear distortion, and multipath fading. There are two types of linear distortions: amplitude distortion and phase (or delay) distortion.
There are various ways in which one can distort an opposing argument, with some common ones being exaggerating the original argument, focusing on specific details in the original argument, and quoting parts of the original argument out of context.
Some common synonyms of distort are contort, deform, and warp. While all these words mean "to mar or spoil by or as if by twisting," distort and contort both imply a wrenching from the natural or normal, but contort suggests a more involved twisting and a more grotesque and painful result.
Distorted perceptions are a problem where our mind is not able to see the world as it is. Instead, we see things in a way that is distorted and does not represent reality. This happens due to many factors, including stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.
These types of thoughts fall into the category of overthinking, which can usually be described as negative thinking patterns or cognitive distortions.
It would be a distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest. He later accused reporters of wilful distortion and bias. Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion.
What does distortion look like? Positive distortion is also called pincushion distortion. With positive distortion, each image point is displaced radially outward from the center, with the most distant points moving the greatest amount because the magnification increases with axial distance (figure 1b).